Title: Japan Post Group Resumes Delivery Services to Disaster-Affected Areas of Noto Peninsula Following Earthquake. On the 7th, Japan Post Group announced that Japan Post will resume the acceptance of packages such as Yu-Pack deliveries to selected areas of Wajima City in Ishikawa Prefecture and households and businesses in Anamizu Town starting from the 8th. The services will resume to provide essential logistics support to the affected regions amid the Noto Peninsula earthquake…
On the 7th of the month, the Japan Post Group announced that Japan Post would resume accepting parcels such as Yu-Pack addressed to certain areas in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and households and businesses in Anamizu Town, Ishikawa Prefecture, from across the country, starting from the 8th. This decision was made to support the regions affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. The service resumption applies to Yu-Pack shipments and other mail items to the specified areas.