Summary: Japan GLP Announces Development of Advanced Logistics Facility “GLP Tomei Atsugi” in Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Featuring 85,000 Square Meters of Floor Area, 4-Story Multi-Tenant Building Able to Accommodate Up to 12 Tenants, Scheduled for Completion in 2024.
On the 8th, Japan GLP, based in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, announced the development of an advanced logistics facility, “GLP Tomei Atsugi,” in Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The facility boasts a total floor area of 85,000 square meters and is a four-story multi-tenant building capable of accommodating up to 12 tenants. The development is slated for completion in 2024, showcasing Japan GLP’s commitment to enhancing logistics infrastructure and services in the region.