Summary: Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department released a report on the traffic accident statistics for the year 2023 on the 7th. The number of fatalities was 2,678, showing an increase of 68 individuals (2.6%) compared to the previous year. Additionally, there were 27,636 serious injuries, indicating an increase of 1,609 individuals (6.2%) compared to the previous year. The rise in fatalities follows a 2.6% increase from the previous year.

On the 7th, the Metropolitan Police Department summarized and released the traffic accident statistics for the year 2023. The number of fatalities was 2,678, showing an increase of 68 individuals (2.6%) compared to the previous year. Additionally, there were 27,636 individuals severely injured, reflecting a 6.2% increase of 1,609 individuals from the previous year. Despite the increase in both fatalities and severe injuries compared to the previous year, it is essential to analyze the underlying factors and continue efforts to improve road safety and reduce traffic accidents.