Summary: Fukuyama Transport and Komaru Kotsu Foundation, in collaboration with the Fukuyama Higashi Police Station, organized a traffic safety seminar for 22 elderly individuals at the Fukuyama Senior University. Topics included hazard prediction using drive recorders and cycling simulations.
On March 11th, Fukuyama Transport and Komaru Kotsu Foundation, in collaboration with the Fukuyama Higashi Police Station in Hiroshima Prefecture, held a traffic safety seminar for 22 elderly individuals at the Fukuyama Senior University. The seminar included sessions on “Risk Prediction Using Drive Recorders” and “Bicycle Simulator Training” aimed at enhancing awareness and promoting safe practices among the elderly when navigating traffic. This initiative demonstrates Fukuyama Transport and Komaru Kotsu Foundation’s commitment to community safety and education on traffic safety measures for elderly individuals. Stay informed on community initiatives and safety programs through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.