Summary: Baitore, based in Toshima Ward, Tokyo, specializing in logistics talent services, announced on the 12th that their unit dispatch service surpassed 100 dispatch locations within 10 months of its launch. Their unit dispatch allows staff to gain experience in various contracting sites, enhancing their skills in responding and managing…

On the 12th, Baitore, a company specializing in logistics personnel services based in Toshima, Tokyo, announced that their unit dispatch service has surpassed 100 dispatch locations within 10 months since its release. Through their unit dispatch service, Baitore provides opportunities for dispatch staff to gain experience in various contract sites, offering tailored support and fostering professional development. This milestone achievement highlights the company’s growth and success in providing flexible and efficient workforce solutions in the logistics industry. Stay updated on industry trends and workforce development initiatives through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.