Summary: Naito House (located in Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture) announced on the 12th the completion of the low-temperature logistics warehouse owned by Katsura Trading (Minami Ward, Kyoto City) on February 16th. The warehouse, situated in Kumamoto Prefecture, aims to address challenges in the agriculture industry, such as a shortage of labor force and logistical issues. Additionally…

On the 12th, Naito House, located in Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture, announced the completion of the low-temperature logistics warehouse operated by Keito Trading in Kyoto’s Minami Ward on February 16th. The warehouse is situated in Kumamoto Prefecture and is intended to address challenges such as the shortage of agricultural workers and the logistics issues facing the prefecture’s key industry, agriculture. Additionally, [additional information here]. Stay updated on industry developments and infrastructure projects aimed at solving logistical challenges through the logistics news platform, LNEWS.