Summary: Navitime Japan (located in Minato Ward, Tokyo) announced on the 12th that they are introducing new features to their smartphone drive recorder app “AiRCAM” (AirCam). The updated AiRCAM app, compatible with Android OS, includes a feature that captures the driver’s face using the front-facing camera and utilizes AI technology for…

On the 12th, Navitime Japan, based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced the introduction of new features to their smartphone drive recorder app, “AiRCAM.” The app, compatible with Android OS, will now include a function that utilizes the front camera to capture the driver’s face. Through AI technology, [additional functionality]. This enhancement aims to [purpose]. Stay updated on advancements in road safety technology and driver monitoring features by exploring the latest updates to the AiRCAM app from Navitime Japan.