Summary: Tatsumi Kogyo (located in Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki City) announced on the 11th that they have made their first shipment from the new “Kisarazu Plant” on the 8th. The shipment consisted of insulated panel walls to be used in the refrigerated and frozen area of a large logistics center under construction in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture. The company specializes in providing such panels for convenience stores, supermarkets, and other retail outlets.

On the 11th, Tatsumi Kogyo, located in Kawasaki City, Saiwai-ku, announced that they had made their first shipment from the new “Kisarazu Plant” on the 8th. The shipment comprised insulated panel walls to be used in the dedicated refrigerated and frozen area of a large logistics center under construction in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture. The company specializes in providing solutions for convenience stores, supermarkets, and other businesses in need of temperature-controlled storage and logistics facilities. Stay updated on Tatsumi Kogyo’s contributions to efficient and reliable cold storage solutions through their latest developments and projects.