Summary: DATAFLUCT, based in Shibuya, Tokyo, announced on the 12th that their automated demand forecasting solution “Perswell” is participating in the “2nd SUPER-DX Contest” hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.The solution utilizes data science to drive accurate predictions.

DATAFLUCT, a data science company based in Shibuya, Tokyo, announced on the 12th that their automated demand forecasting solution, “Perswell,” has been selected as a business solution for the 2nd SUPER-DX Contest hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. The “SUPER-DX Contest” aims to recognize cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions that contribute to digital transformation and business advancement. This selection underscores the effectiveness and impact of Perswell in enhancing demand forecasting processes for businesses. Stay updated on the developments and achievements of DATAFLUCT in the field of data science and advanced business solutions through their participation in prestigious contests and programs.