Summary: Japan Trucking Association’s Tank Truck and High-pressure Gas Subcommittee announced on the 11th that it has requested the National Petroleum Association and the Oil Federation to thoroughly implement joint meetings during tank lorry unloading. The Subcommittee has been dealing with the issues related to unloading of tank lorries.
On the 11th, the All Japan Trucking Association’s Tank Truck and High-Pressure Gas Subcommittee announced that they have formally requested the nationwide Petroleum Association and the Petroleum Federation to ensure the complete implementation of mutual attendance during the unloading of tank trucks. The Subcommittee emphasizes the importance of safety protocols and mutual oversight during the unloading process to mitigate risks associated with transporting hazardous materials. By urging for the thorough implementation of mutual attendance practices, the Subcommittee aims to enhance safety standards and promote responsible practices within the tank truck transportation sector. Stay informed about updates on industry initiatives and safety measures aimed at safeguarding operations within the transportation of hazardous materials.