Summary: Mitsubishi Fuso, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Mitsubishi Motors jointly establish New Company for EV Platform services.

On March 13th, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus, and Mitsubishi Motors jointly established a new company named “EVNION Inc.” to operate an online platform that offers a one-stop solution for electric vehicle (EV)-related services. This collaborative initiative aims to provide a comprehensive range of EV-related services through the online platform, catering to the evolving needs and demands of the electric vehicle market. By leveraging the expertise and resources of the three companies, EVNION Inc. is set to play a significant role in driving innovation and advancements in the electric vehicle industry. Stay updated on the developments and offerings from EVNION Inc. as they pave the way for a more sustainable and integrated EV ecosystem.