Summary: Numajiri Industry (located in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture) announced on the 12th that it has been recognized as an “Excellent Health Management Company.” This system was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry to recognize companies that implement particularly excellent health management practices. The company ensures the implementation of health examinations, among other health-related initiatives.

On the 12th, Numajiri Sangyo, based in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, announced that it has been certified as an “Excellent Health Management Corporation.” The “Excellent Health Management Corporation Certification” is a system established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry to recognize companies that excel in implementing effective health management practices. Numajiri Sangyo has demonstrated high rates of employee health check-ups and has implemented comprehensive programs to promote employee health and well-being. This certification reflects the company’s commitment to prioritizing the health and wellness of its employees, fostering a positive work environment, and contributing to overall corporate sustainability. Stay updated on initiatives and practices promoting health management and well-being in the workplace within the logistics industry.