Summary: Fukuoka Sonolick (Tosu City, Saga Prefecture), a company that deals with fruit and vegetable sales, announced on the 13th that they have entered into a share transfer agreement and capital alliance with Imai Farm (Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture). Fukuoka Sonolick is a logistics company specializing in agricultural produce transportation in Japan and Asia, using exclusive technologies and expertise in agricultural consulting.

On the 13th, Fukuoka Sonorik, a company engaged in the distribution of fresh produce based in Tosu City, Saga Prefecture, announced that they have entered into a stock transfer agreement with Imai Farm, located in Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, and established a capital partnership. Fukuoka Sonorik is a logistics company specializing in the transportation of agricultural products in Japan and the Asian region, known for its unique technologies and agricultural expertise.

This capital partnership will likely strengthen the distribution network and operational capabilities of both companies, enhancing their position in the fresh produce distribution sector. Stay informed about the collaborative initiatives and developments resulting from the capital partnership between Fukuoka Sonorik and Imai Farm as they work together to further innovate and expand their presence in the agricultural logistics industry.