Summary: Mitsubishi Estate Community (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo) announced on the 13th that it has entered into a business alliance with Rinaf (Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo) to promote the introduction of “smart placement delivery” to the condominiums managed by Mitsubishi Estate Community. The introduction of smart placement delivery services is expected to meet the needs of increasing use of EC (electronic commerce) sites.
On the 13th, Mitsubishi Estate Community, based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, announced a business partnership with Linaf, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, to promote the implementation of “smart delivery” services in condominiums managed by Mitsubishi Estate Community. The increasing trend in the usage of e-commerce websites has led to a greater demand for efficient and secure delivery services in residential buildings. By introducing “smart delivery” solutions, residents of the managed condominiums will benefit from advanced delivery options that enhance convenience and security. Stay updated on the collaborative efforts between Mitsubishi Estate Community and Linaf in advancing smart delivery services in residential properties to meet the evolving needs of residents in the digital age.