Summary: Dr. EVER, a transportation company support business based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced on the 13th that, from February 1, the job advertisement for the “Dr. EVER JOB” site will be displayed on the “chocoZAP” digital signage in 116 stores centered on the Tokyo metropolitan area, which is operated by RIZAP in Shinjuku-ku.

On the 13th, the transportation company support business, DraEVER, based in Minato Ward, Tokyo, announced that from February 1st, they have been providing recruitment support services for RIZAP-operated convenience store gyms, “chocoZAP,” at 116 stores mainly in the Greater Tokyo Area. Through the collaboration with chocoZAP, DraEVER aims to assist in the recruitment process by utilizing the job posting site [add the name of the job posting site provided by DraEVER]. Stay updated on the recruitment efforts and services offered by DraEVER for chocoZAP stores as they support the staffing needs of RIZAP’s fitness facilities in the Tokyo metropolitan area.