Summary: Funai Soken Logistics to host a free online seminar ‘Practical Guidance on Logistics Base Placement for Manufacturers, Retailers, and Wholesalers’ on April 23, offering insights into best practices for optimising logistics strategies.

On April 23rd, Senai Soken Roji will host a free online seminar titled “Explanation of Logistics Facility Placement Study Methods for Shippers – Practical Overview to Show the Shortcut to Success,” targeting manufacturing, retail, and wholesale industries. The seminar will delve into essential considerations in logistics strategy, providing a comprehensive overview of practical approaches to determining the optimal placement of logistics facilities. Stay informed about the insights and guidance offered in the seminar by Senai Soken Roji to assist shippers in optimizing their logistics facility placement and strategy.

[Original Source: 物流ニュースのLNEWS]