Summary: Nippon Express announces the launch of ‘Sea & Rail Kitakyushu Route (Shin-Moji Port – Osaka South Port)’ in collaboration with Meimon Taiyo Ferry, expanding its multimodal shipping service from March 19.

On the 15th, Nippon Express announced a collaboration with the prestigious Taiyo Ferry Co., Ltd. (Nishi-ku, Osaka) to launch the “Sea&Rail” service, a modal combination transport service that combines sea transport and railway transport. The “Sea&Rail” service will commence the “Kitakyushu Route (Shin-Moji Port – Osaka Minami Port)” starting on the 19th. This innovative service will provide enhanced transportation options by integrating sea and rail transport solutions, offering efficient logistics solutions for customers utilizing the Kitakyushu Route between Shin-Moji Port and Osaka Minami Port. Stay tuned for updates on the benefits and services offered through the “Sea&Rail” service by Nippon Express and Taiyo Ferry.