Summary: Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu) Announces the Acquisition of a Logistics Facility Located 2.4 km from the New Mojiko Interchange of Kyushu Expressway in Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City, Near the New Mojiko Ferry Terminal.
On the 18th, Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu) announced the acquisition of a logistics facility in Moji-ku, Kitakyushu City. The logistics facility is conveniently located near the new Moji Ferry Terminal and is situated 2.4 kilometers from the Kyushu Expressway Shinmoji Interchange, providing easy access for wide-area transportation to Kyushu and Honshu. This strategic acquisition enhances JR Kyushu’s logistics capabilities and strengthens its position in facilitating efficient transportation and distribution services between Kyushu and mainland Japan. Stay informed about how this new logistics facility will contribute to optimizing freight operations and enhancing logistics services in the region.