Summary: Sankyu Group Holdings (Tokyo, Koto-ku) Announces Completion of Construction and Commencement of Operations of On-site Solar PPA Service at ‘Narita Fashion Logistics Center I’, a Logistics Warehouse in Tomisato City, Chiba Prefecture, Managed by its Subsidiary Tokyo Delivery Agency.

On the 18th, Senco Group Holdings (GHD), located in Koto-ku, Tokyo, announced that its subsidiary Tokyo Delivery Agency in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, has completed the installation of a solar power on-site PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) service at the Narita Fashion Logistics Center I in Tomisato City, Chiba Prefecture. This initiative signifies the commitment of Senco Group Holdings towards sustainable and eco-friendly practices in their logistics operations. Stay updated on the impact and benefits of the solar power installation at the Narita Fashion Logistics Center I as it aims to reduce environmental impact and energy costs while promoting renewable energy utilization.