Summary: Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu) Announces Acquisition of Logistics Facility in Moji District, Kitakyushu City as Part of its Real Estate Business Initiatives, Anticipating Demand Against the Background of the ‘2024 Problem’.
On March 18th, Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu) announced the acquisition of a logistics facility in Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City as part of its real estate business initiatives. The facility is located in close proximity to the Shimonoseki Ferry Terminal and is also conveniently situated 2.4 kilometers from the Shimonoseki Interchange on the Kyushu Expressway. The acquisition reflects JR Kyushu’s strategic response to anticipated demand in the context of transportation challenges expected in 2024. Stay updated on how this acquisition aligns with JR Kyushu’s long-term plans for enhancing logistics services and infrastructure in the Kitakyushu area, considering the projected developments in the logistics landscape.