Summary: YE DIGITAL (Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu City) Announces the Launch of ‘Milfee Delivery’, a New Service under its Feed Tank Residual Management Solution ‘Milfee’, to Support Rationalization of Feed Distribution from March 18.

On the 18th, YE DIGITAL, located in Kita-Kyushu City, Kokura Kita Ward, launched a new service called “Milfee Delivery” as part of their feed tank inventory management solution, “Milfee.” This new service aims to support the optimization of feed distribution processes. With “Milfee Delivery,” customers can now access enhanced tools and features to streamline feed distribution operations effectively. Stay updated on the advancements and benefits offered by YE DIGITAL’s “Milfee” solution and the newly introduced “Milfee Delivery” service, as they contribute to improving efficiency and productivity in feed distribution management.