Summary: Osaka City Announces the Implementation of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s Port Information System ‘CONPAS’ at the Osaka Port Yumeshima Container Terminal from March 29, to Help Alleviate Gatefront Congestion and Improve Trailer Turnaround Efficiency.
On March 19th, Osaka City announced that they will commence the operation of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism’s port information system, “CONPAS,” at the Osaka Port Yumeshima Container Terminal starting from March 29th. CONPAS aims to address congestion issues at the gate entrance of container terminals and optimize the allocation of trailers. This implementation is expected to improve operational efficiency and enhance logistical processes at the Osaka Port Yumeshima Container Terminal. Stay informed about how the utilization of CONPAS will contribute to streamlining operations and facilitating smoother logistics management at the port facility.