Summary: The Japan Federation of Freight Industries Announces the Holding of the ‘2nd Logistics Environmental Measures Committee for Fiscal Year 2024’ in Tokyo on March 11, Which Discusses and Promotes Environmental Measures in the Logistics Field including Carbon Reduction and Decarbonization, Efficient Transport Systems, among Others.

On the 18th, the Japan Federation of Logistics and Transport Organizations announced that they held the “Second Logistics Environmental Countermeasures Committee for Fiscal Year 2024” in Tokyo on the 11th. During the committee meeting, discussions were held on issues contributing to the promotion of environmental measures in the logistics sector, such as reducing carbon emissions in logistics, decarbonization, and the establishment of efficient transportation systems. The committee examined challenges and initiatives aimed at advancing environmental measures in the field of logistics. Stay informed about the outcomes and progress resulting from the discussions held at the Logistics Environmental Countermeasures Committee of the Japan Federation of Logistics and Transport Organizations.