Summary: The Japan Federation of Freight Industries (Logistics Federation) Announces the Holding of the ‘2nd International Business Committee for Fiscal Year 2024’ in Tokyo on March 18. Thirty-six participants from member companies and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism joined the committee to discuss the challenges related to overseas expansion of the logistics business.

On the 18th, the Japan Federation of Logistics and Transport Organizations (JFLTO) announced that they held the “Second International Business Committee Meeting for Fiscal Year 2024” in Tokyo. The meeting was attended by 36 participants from member companies and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism to collaboratively discuss challenges related to overseas expansion in the logistics industry. Discussions during the committee meeting focused on coordinating public-private cooperation to address issues surrounding the international outreach of logistics businesses. Stay informed about the outcomes and strategies discussed during the International Business Committee Meeting of the Japan Federation of Logistics and Transport Organizations as they work towards fostering global engagement in the logistics sector.