Title: Nissho Unyu, a Shibaura Warehouse Group Company in Koto-ku, Tokyo, Launches Marine LCL Service in Collaboration with Oji Logistics in February – Connecting Tokyo to Aomori, Hachinohe, Hokkaido, and Tomakomai via Tokyo-Aomori-Hakodate Route with Transshipment at Origin Ports and Consolidation with Other Cargo for Efficient Deliveries

In February, Nichisei Unyu, a member of the Shibaura Warehouse Group based in Koto-ku, Tokyo, launched a sea consolidation service in collaboration with Oji Logistics. The service operates on the Tokyo to Aomori to Hachinohe to Hokkaido to Tomakomai route, primarily involving cargo transshipment at the originating ports and consolidation with other company’s cargo. Deliveries are arranged to optimize consolidation and provide the shortest possible transit times.