Title: Hummingbird, a Drone School Operating Mainly in Tokyo, Signs Agreement with Yokohama City on “Utilization of Drones for Support Activities in Times of Disasters and More” – Agreement was Concluded on February 28. The company has been engaged in drone operations since 2018.
Hummingbird, a drone school operating primarily in Tokyo, announced on the 1st that they have signed an agreement with Yokohama City regarding the “Disaster Response and Support Activities Using Drones Agreement.” The agreement was signed on February 28th. The company has been involved in drone-related activities since 2018.
Title: Bando Chemicals Announces Free Webinar Addressing Belt Misalignment Issues in Light Conveyance Belts – Providing Advice on Preventing Belt Deviation and Wandering in Food and Cardboard Conveyance Lines. Featuring Shunsuke Kawachi from Bando Chemical’s Industrial Materials Business Division.
On the 1st, Bando Chemical Industries announced that they will be hosting a free webinar focusing on the tracking issues of lightweight conveyor belts. The webinar aims to provide advice on preventing belt misalignment and tracking issues in food and cardboard conveyor lines. Shunsuke Kawachi from the Bando Chemical Industries Material Business Division will be […]
Title: Tokai Electronic, Developer and Seller of Alcohol Detection Systems, IT Attendance Systems, and Operations Management Systems, Announces Collaboration with Taxi Support Services to Host Free Webinar on Truck Driver Recruitment on February 26 – Discussion on Recruiting Practices Amidst the Growing E-commerce Market.
On February 29th, Tokai Electronics, a company that develops and sells alcohol detection systems, IT attendance systems, and operation management systems, announced a free webinar on truck driver recruitment in collaboration with a taxi support service, with the webinar scheduled for the 26th. The webinar will cover topics related to hiring truck drivers in the […]
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s Bureau of Logistics and Automobiles Announces Proposal for Centralizing Operations Management of Motor Transport Businesses on February 28 – Opens Public Comments Solicitation Concurrently. Aimed at Enhancing Efficiency and Advancement of Operations Management, Emphasizing Future Implementation within Business Premises and Group Affiliates…
On February 28th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s Bureau of Logistics and Automobile Affairs announced a directive proposal aimed at centralizing operational management tasks for motor carrier businesses. Concurrently, they began soliciting public comments on the proposal. The objective is to enhance the efficiency and sophistication of operational management, with a focus […]
Title: LOGISTICS TODAY to Host “Preparatory Conference for ‘Logistics 2024 Issue'” – An Expanded Sequel to Last Year’s Event, Running from March 13 to 15 Following a 2-Day Logistics Strategy Meeting.
LOGISTICS TODAY will be hosting an enhanced version of the “Logistics 2024 Issues Conference,” following on from the two-day event held at the end of last year. The upcoming event, titled “Preparatory Conference for the ‘Logistics 2024 Issues’,” will take place over three days from Wednesday, March 13th to Friday, March 15th.
Title: Yamato Transport Submits Improvement Plan on February 29 in Response to “Recommendation” Sanction Received from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on January 26 Under the Road Transport Act for Cargo Truck Transport Operations. The company’s public relations stated that there will be no specific details disclosed regarding the improvement plan, but essential components of the plan include…
Yamato Transport submitted an improvement plan on February 29th in response to the “recommendation” received from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism on January 26th regarding its freight trucking operations under the Road Transport Act. According to the company’s PR department, there are no specific details regarding the improvement plan that will be […]
Title: Askul Announces Finality of Damages Lawsuit Appeal Verdict Delivered on February 8 by the Tokyo High Court on February 29, as the Deadline for Filing a Further Appeal Passed on February 27. The case involves an incident at Askul’s logistics center in Miyoshi, Saitama Prefecture in 2017.
On February 29th, Askul announced that the appellate court ruling on the damages lawsuit that was handed down on February 8th at the Tokyo High Court has been finalized, as the period for filing further appeals had elapsed on February 27th. The lawsuit stemmed from an incident at Askul’s logistics center in Miyoshi-cho, Saitama Prefecture […]
Title: Suzuyo Announces Operation of “Higashi-Ōshima Fine Wine Center” in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture on February 1 for Temperature-Controlled Storage and Distribution of Wines – Third Fine Wine Center Facility for the Company, Offering Import Customs Clearance Services and Comprehensive Storage Solutions.
On the 1st, Suzuyo announced the commencement of operations at the “Higashi Ogi Island Fine Wine Center” in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, dedicated to the temperature-controlled storage and distribution of wine. This marks the company’s third Fine Wine Center (FWC) facility. The center will handle everything from import customs procedures to storage and distribution of […]
Title: JR East Announces Collaboration with JR East Japan Logistics to Conduct Multi-Modal Transport Trials Utilizing Shinkansen and Other Modes of Transportation on February 29 – Aimed at Addressing Social Issues such as Logistics Challenges in 2024, Marking the Fourth Trial of the Year Focused on Contributing to Solutions of Social Challenges.
On February 29th, JR East Japan announced that they will be conducting a trial of multimodal transportation utilizing the Shinkansen and other modes of transport in collaboration with JR East Japan Logistics. This initiative aims to address societal challenges such as the logistics issues in 2024 and contribute towards their resolution. This will mark the […]
Title: Commerce Robotics Launches “Commerce Robo EOS” Solution System, Automatically Calculating Optimal Order Quantity Based on Inventory Fluctuations and Shipping Volumes – Enhancing DX Services for Logistics Sector.
Commerce Robotics, a company that provides digital transformation (DX) services for the logistics industry, announced on the 1st the launch of their solution system “Commerce Robo EOS,” which automatically calculates the optimal ordering quantity based on inventory fluctuations and shipment volumes. This system is designed to streamline inventory management and ordering processes for logistics operations.