Title: Air Closet Announces Relocation of Logistics Base to “GLP ALFALINK Nagareyama 6” on the 29th – Tokyo-based Company Providing IT-based Solution Services Expanding Monthly Fashion Rental Service “airC…”.
On the 29th, Air Closet, a company that offers solution services utilizing IT, announced the relocation of its logistics base to “GLP ALFALINK Nagareyama 6” in Minato Ward, Tokyo. The company operates a monthly fashion rental service called “airC.”
Title: Daimler Truck, Mitsubishi Fuso, Hino, Toyota Provide Progress Update on Collaboration Agreement for New Energy Technology Development and Strengthening Commercial Vehicle Business on February 29 – Report on Progress Based on Basic Agreement Signed in May 2023, Including Integration of Mitsubishi Fuso and Hino.
On February 29th, Daimler Truck, Mitsubishi Fuso, Hino, and Toyota provided an update on their collaboration based on a basic agreement aimed at developing new energy technologies and strengthening their commercial vehicle businesses. The progress report was based on a basic agreement signed in May 2023, which outlined plans for the integration of Mitsubishi Fuso […]
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces Holding of “Japan-Philippines Logistics Policy Study Session” with Filipino Government in Manila on February 21, Followed by “Japan-Philippines Cold Chain Logistics Workshop” – Workshop Held in the Morning on the Same Day.
On February 29th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that they held a “Japan-Philippines Logistics Policy Study Meeting” with the Philippine government in Manila on February 21st. Following this, a “Japan-Philippines Cold Chain Logistics Workshop” was also conducted. In the morning session of the same day, discussions and activities related to enhancing […]
Title: Senko Group Holdings Acquires 65% Stake in Logistics Software Company Infolog (Singapore) and Adds it as a Group Entity on February 29 – Expanding Senko Group’s Presence in the Logistics Software Sector.
Senko Group Holdings (HD) announced that they have acquired a 65% stake in the logistics software company Infolog, based in Singapore, and added it to their group of companies effective as of February 29th. This move further strengthens Senko Group’s presence in the logistics software sector and enhances their capabilities in providing comprehensive logistics solutions.
Title: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) Announces Agreement with JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration and JGC Holdings Corporation on February 29 to Explore Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Project Utilizing Depleted Gas Fields Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, in Collaboration with Subsidiaries of Malaysian State-Owned Energy Company.
On February 29th, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (K Line) announced that they, along with Inpex Corporation and JGC Holdings Corporation, have agreed to explore a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project involving the utilization of depleted gas fields off the coast of Sarawak State in Malaysia. The project entails partnering with a subsidiary of Malaysia’s […]
Title: Earth Carton (Ina, Saitama) Introduces New Product – A3 Size Compatible “Cardboard Container Box” Launched for Sale on February 16 – Versatile Usage with Flat Bottom and Simple Top Design, Ideal for Various Storage Needs.
On March 1st, Earth Cardboard (located in Ina, Saitama Prefecture) announced the launch of a new product, the “Cardboard Container Box” compatible with A3 size, which has been available for purchase since February 16th. This product features a flat bottom and a simple top design, allowing for versatile vertical and horizontal usage. Suitable for various […]
Title: Commerce Robotics Partners with Cam, Provider of Cloud ERP “Cammax,” to Co-Host Free Webinar on February 29 – Focusing on Automated DX Services for E-Commerce.
Commerce Robotics, a provider of e-commerce automation DX services based in Minato Ward, Tokyo, announced on February 29th that it will be co-hosting a free webinar with CAM, a provider of cloud ERP “Cammax,” based in Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City, on the 21st. This webinar will focus on…
Title: Nippon Express Holdings Launches New TV Commercial Featuring Professional Golfer Erika Harada, a Member of the Company, with Airings Starting on March 1 – Commercial Showcasing Harada and Children Enjoying Golf.
Nippon Express Holdings announced on February 29th that they will begin airing a new television commercial featuring their professional female golfer, Erika Hara, starting from March 1st. The commercial showcases Erika Hara enjoying golf with children, capturing the joy and excitement of the sport.
Title: Kanto Transport Bureau Grants Permits to 9 Companies (Including 1 Refrigerated Transport Company) for Freight Trucking Operations and Registers 8 Companies for Freight Utilization Transport Operations, Effective February 8.
Recently, the Kanto Transport Bureau granted approval for 9 new companies (including 1 funeral transport company) to operate freight trucking businesses and registered 8 companies for freight forwarding services, all effective as of February 8th.
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces Transport Advisory Council’s Approval of 8% Increase in Standard Freight Rates for General Freight Trucking Business as Advised on January 10, 2024 by Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Saito Tetsuo – Proposed Standard Rate Deemed Appropriate.
On February 29th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that the Transport Policy Council has given approval for an 8% increase in standard freight rates for general freight trucking services. This decision came in response to a consultation submitted by Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Tetsuo Saito on January 10, […]