Title: CBRE East Japan Property Management Division to Host Open House at Atsugi Inland Logistics Center in Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture on March 13-14 – Showcasing State-of-the-Art Logistics Facility – For more information, please refer to Atsugi Inland Logistics Center Brochure.
CBRE East Japan Property Management Department will be holding a two-day open house event at the “Atsugi Inland Logistics Center” in Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture, on March 13th and 14th. The event allows participants to tour the large-scale logistics facility and learn more about its features and capabilities. Attendees can access the Atsugi Inland Logistics Center […]
Title: Funai Soken Logi to Host Free Online Seminar on Building Management Talent and Organizational Structure for Logistics Companies on March 11 – Supporting Logistics Companies with Management and Organizational Development
On March 11th, Funai Soken Logi will be hosting a free online seminar focused on how to build leadership talent and organizational structure for logistics company executives. Amid the challenges posed by the 2024 problem, logistics companies are not only enhancing labor management but also improving freight negotiations and addressing other key operational aspects.
Title: Maru-un Announces Organizational Reforms Effective April 1, Including Integration of Restructuring Promotion Department into Management Planning Department and Establishment of Sales Development Department for Specialized Functions – Restructuring for Operational Efficiency
On February 28th, Maruun announced three organizational changes effective from April 1st. In the Corporate Management Headquarters, the “Structural Reform Promotion Department” will be integrated into the “Management Planning Department,” which will also incorporate the establishment of the “Management Planning Group” and the “Structural Reform Group.” Additionally, in the Techno Support Management Department, a new […]
Title: Marinex, Logistics Division of SHK Line Group, Announces “MARINEX 3E-Express” SDGs-Compliant Small-Lot Consolidated Transport Service on February 28 – Transitioning Mitsumi Group’s China Export of FA Parts to Maritime Transport
On February 28th, MARINEX, the logistics subsidiary of SHK Line Group, announced that its SDGs-compliant small-lot mixed loading transport service “MARINEX 3E-Express” has shifted to sea transport for exporting FA-related parts to the Chinese local subsidiary of the Misumi Group headquarters.
Title: Kawada Technologies and Kawada Kogyo Develop Warehouse-Specific Route Analysis System Using Cameras and AI to Visualize Picking Operations on February 28 – A System Designed for Warehouse Efficiency and Optimization
On February 28th, Kawada Technologies announced the development of a “Workflow Analysis System” in collaboration with its group company, Kawada Industries. This system utilizes cameras and AI to visualize picking operations within warehouses. The system includes a system configuration diagram and a display screen showing workflow analysis results. This warehouse-specific workflow analysis system aims to […]
Title: Mizuho Leasing, Mizuho Auto Leasing, Maruwa Unyu Kikan, and FOMM Collaborate on Conversion Project to Decarbonize Last-Mile Delivery Transport by Transitioning Gas-powered Vehicles at Lease Term Expiry – Initiative Launched on February 28 in Minato-ku, Tokyo, Yoshikawa City of Saitama, and Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama.
On the 28th, Mizuho Leasing, Mizuho Auto Lease (both based in Minato-ku, Tokyo), Maruwa Unyu Kikan (located in Yoshikawa City, Saitama Prefecture), and FOMM (based in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City) announced a collaboration aimed at decarbonizing last-mile transportation. Their initiative involves converting gasoline vehicles that have reached the end of their lease period into eco-friendly […]
Title: SHK Line Group Announces MARINEX, Its Logistics Subsidiary in Osaka’s Kita-ku, to Handle Partial Product Exports for Misumi Group’s Chinese Local Entity – Expands Small-Lot Consolidated Transport Service “MARINEX 3E-E” for Japan-China Routes.
On the 28th, SHK Line Group in Kita-ku, Osaka announced that its logistics business company, Marinex, will be handling a portion of the product exports for Misumi Group’s Chinese local subsidiary. This arrangement involves using Marinex’s small-lot consolidation transport service “MARINEX 3E-E” for shipments between Japan and China.
Title: Navitime Japan Introduces New Feature for Calculating and Displaying CO2 Emissions of Large Vehicles in Business Navitime Mobility Management Solution – Enhancing Environmental Awareness in Transportation Sector – Based in Minato-ku, Tokyo
On the 28th, Navitime Japan, based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced the introduction of a new feature in their corporate vehicle management service, “Business Navitime Dynamic Management Solution.” This feature enables the calculation and display of CO2 emissions for large vehicles. It calculates the emissions based on the operation route, providing users with important environmental data […]
Title: Zenetec Partners with Nomura Research Institute to Provide Engineering Solutions Enhancing and Supporting Logistics Warehouse DX Consulting, Starting on February 28 – Utilizing Digital Twins to Predict Risks in Logistics Warehouses
On February 28th, Zenetec announced the commencement of providing engineering solutions to enhance and support logistics warehouse DX consulting at Nomura Research Institute. This initiative aims to strengthen and support logistics warehouse DX consulting by leveraging engineering solutions. The implementation of digital twin technology is expected to predict and mitigate risks in logistics warehouses. The […]
Title: Sagawa Global Logistics Initiates Closed-Loop Recycling Program in Collaboration with Paper Management Company and Paper Manufacturer at its Logistics Center in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo – Transforming Used Cardboard Boxes into New Boxes for Sustainable Practices
On the 28th, Sagawa Global Logistics, based in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, announced the initiation of a closed-loop recycling initiative in collaboration with a paper management company and a paper manufacturer. This initiative involves collecting used cardboard generated at the company’s logistics center and recycling it to reintroduce it as new cardboard, promoting sustainability and circular economy […]