Title: Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan Post Holdings, and Japan Post Collaborate to Provide Winter Road Safety Support to Local Governments Through Utilization of Japan Post Office Network, Initiating Demonstration Experiment
On February 26th, Japan Meteorological Corporation, Japan Post Holdings, and Japan Post announced the initiation of a demonstration experiment to provide winter road information acquired through Japan Post’s postal network to local governments for enhancing winter road safety support. The goal is to utilize the postal network to support winter road safety efforts. The post […]
Title: NYK and Asahi Unyu Host Ship Tour of Car Carrier “CASTOR LEADER” for 22 Elementary School Students and Parents from Aichi and Mie Prefectures at Nagoya Port on February 23
On February 23rd, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) and its group company Asahi Unyu welcomed 22 students from 3rd to 5th grade in elementary schools in Aichi and Mie prefectures, along with their parents, to tour the car carrier vessel “CASTOR LEADER” at Nagoya Port. The visit provided an opportunity for the guests to explore […]
Title: JILS to Host Free Online Seminar “Current State and Future Trends of Logistics in ASEAN Region with Focus on Vietnam – Towards Globalized Supply Chains” on March 21
The Japan Institute of Logistics Systems (JILS) will be hosting a free online seminar on March 21st titled “Current Status and Future Trends of Logistics in the ASEAN Region with a Focus on Vietnam – Towards Globalized Supply Chains.” In recent years, with the globalization of supply chains amidst the steady growth of the global […]
Title: Fumai Soken Roji to Present Case Studies on Carbon Neutrality in Logistics Companies at Online Seminar Hosted by K・Z・Mark on March 5
The seminar on “Decarbonization Management” for logistics companies, organized by K.J. Mark and scheduled for March 5th, will feature a consultant from Funai Soken Logistics as a guest speaker. The seminar will focus on showcasing case studies of carbon dioxide emission reduction efforts by logistics companies and initiatives related to carbon neutrality. The post “【PR】Funai […]
Title: NTT Logisco Introduces New Service “Smart Ripple Package” on February 27 to Address the 2024 Issue, Focusing on Optimizing and Streamlining Logistics Operations through Standardization and Automation to Tackle Labor Shortages
On the 27th, NTT Logisco (based in Chuo-ku, Tokyo) announced a new service called “Smart Ripple Package” designed to optimize and streamline logistics operations in response to the challenges posed by the 2024 problem. This package aims to address the issue of labor shortages by supporting leveling and automation of logistics processes.
Title: JAL, KDDI, and Other Companies Demonstrate Pharmaceutical Distribution Management Utilizing Drone Port in Koto-ku, Tokyo, Involving KDDI Smart Drone, JR East Japan, Weathernews on February 27
On the 27th, JAL announced that they, along with KDDI and others, conducted a demonstration on medication distribution and management using a drone port in Koto-ku, Tokyo. Other participants in the demonstration included KDDI Smart Drone, East Japan Railway Company (JR East), Weathernews, and Mediceo.
Title: Shinwa Package Announces Launch of Multinational Rental Service for Logistics Containers Available for Domestic and Overseas Use Starting in April, Starting with Operations Between Japan and Thailand on February 26
On the 26th, Shinwa Package, based in Higashi-Nada Ward, Kobe, specializing in developing packaging materials and transportation containers for logistics, announced that they will be launching a multinational rental service for logistics containers that can be used both domestically and internationally starting from April. The service will initially commence with operations between Japan and Thailand, […]
Title: Kantou Transport Bureau Issues Administrative Order to Japan Salt Transport in Tokyo for Violation of Coastal Shipping Act, Requiring Enforcement of Transport Safety Measures After Inspection Reveals Failure to Develop Operational Plans under Company Responsibility.
On the 27th, the Kanto Transport Bureau announced that they have issued an administrative order to Japan Salt Transport, a company engaged in port cargo handling and maritime transport operations, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, for violating the Domestic Shipping Law. The order was issued to ensure the safety of transportation. Following an on-site inspection, it […]
Title: Hino Motors and Obayashi Corporation Conduct Demonstration Experiment of DX Construction Including Autonomous Dump Trucks at Shinmaruyama Dam Construction Site in Gifu Prefecture on February 27
On the 27th, Hino Motors announced that they conducted a demonstration experiment of DX construction, including autonomous dump trucks, at the construction site of the Shinmaruyama Dam in Gifu Prefecture in collaboration with Obayashi Corporation. The experiment, which includes autonomous construction machinery and Level 4 autonomous dump trucks, will be conducted for four months until […]
Title: Yamato Holdings Signs Cooperation Agreement on Regional Revitalization with Tokushima Prefecture to Achieve Sustainable Local Communities, Holding Signing Ceremony at Tokushima Prefectural Office on February 27
On the 27th, Yamato Holdings announced that Yamato Transport signed a “Collaboration Agreement for Promoting Regional Revitalization” with Tokushima Prefecture with the aim of achieving a sustainable local community. The signing ceremony took place at the Tokushima Prefectural Office on the same day. In order to revitalize companies and businesses in Tokushima Prefecture, various measures […]