Title: Seino Holdings Participates in “MY Box Project” Organized by Certified NPO KataRiba, Conducts Volunteer Supply Delivery Tailored to Children’s Needs Affected by Noto Peninsula Earthquake on February 27
On the 27th, Seino Holdings (HD) announced their participation in the “MY Box Project” organized by the certified NPO KataRiba. They conducted volunteer activities for delivering supplies tailored to the needs of children affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Through this project, they supported the distribution of essential goods to the affected children in collaboration […]
Title: STANDAGE Introduces Shibuzawa Warehouse Rates to International Freight Cost Instant Quoting System “Digitrading Forwarding” Developed by the Company on January 29
STANDAGE, based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and specializing in the development of digital trade platforms, announced on the 27th that they have integrated the rates of Shibuya Warehouse into their international freight cost instant quotation system called “DigiTrade Forwarding,” developed by the company. This integration took effect starting from January 29th.
Title: ANA and ANA Akindo Nagasaki Branch Collaborate with Sekoma (Sapporo) to Utilize ANA’s Air Transport and Sekoma Group’s Logistics for Joint Project Centered in Hokkaido, Following Cooperation Agreement between ANA Holdings and Nagasaki Prefecture in 2023.
In conjunction with the collaborative agreement signed in 2023 between ANA Holdings and Nagasaki Prefecture, All Nippon Airways (ANA) and the ANA Akindo Nagasaki branch have partnered with Sekoma Group in Sapporo, leveraging ANA’s air transportation and the logistics of the Sekoma Group to expand a new project primarily focused on Hokkaido.
Title: Tohoku Transport Bureau Issues Administrative Penalties to Seven Freight Truck Operators in January, Including Suspension of Operations for Four Companies, for Various Violations including Hours of Service Non-compliance
According to the administrative penalty status for freight trucking companies released by the Tohoku Transport Bureau on the 26th, a total of 7 companies, including 4 companies with vehicle suspensions, were penalized in January. At the Funaki Building Materials Asakawa Sales Office, violations were found during audits, including non-compliance with driver working hour regulations, failure […]
Title: Logistics Company Karitzu, based in Anjo City, Aichi Prefecture, Secures Patent for their In-house Developed Logistics Operation Evaluation Support System “KIT (IT Patrol)” on February 26
Integrated logistics company Kalitzu, based in Anjo City, Aichi Prefecture, announced on the 26th that they have obtained a patent for their self-developed logistics operation evaluation support system “KIT (IT Patrol).” The company aims to streamline the assessment process of cargo handling operations within their organization by transitioning from manual aggregation methods to utilizing this […]
Title: Yokohama Freezing Announces Completion Expectations for “Hakozaki FACIRITY Logistics Center” in Hakozaki Wharf, Fukuoka City, with Inauguration Ceremony Scheduled for April 3
On the 26th, Yokohama Reito announced that the construction of the “Hakozaki FACIRITY Logistics Center” in Hakozaki Port in Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City is expected to be completed. A completion ceremony is scheduled for April 3rd. The center commenced construction in October 2022 and is expected to be completed by the end of March 2024. […]
Title: Osaka Port Reports 4.3% Decrease in Total Cargo Volume to 7 Million Tons in November, According to Port Statistics Released by Osaka City on the 27th
According to port statistics released by the City of Osaka on the 27th, the total cargo handling volume at Osaka Port in November decreased by 4.3% year-on-year to 7 million tons. Of this, foreign trade cargo decreased by 2.6% to 2.84 million tons, and domestic trade cargo decreased by 5.4% to 4.16 million tons. Within […]
Title: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Expands Cooperation for CCS Project in Malaysia with Participation of Chugoku Electric Power and Nippon Gas Line, Bringing Total of Six Companies to Collaborate on Memorandum of Understanding Signed on February 26
On the 26th, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha announced that they have agreed for two new companies, Chugoku Electric Power and Nippon Gas Line (Matsuyama City), to join the joint study for the commercialization of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Malaysia for CO2 recovery and storage. This agreement expands the existing group to a total of […]
Title: Nippon Yusen and Group’s Asahi Unyu Provide Tour of Car Carrier Ship “CASTOR LEADER” at Nagoya Port to Children and Parents from Aichi and Mie Prefectures on February 27
On the 27th, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) announced that the company and its group subsidiary Asahi Unyu (Minato-ku, Nagoya) provided a tour of the car carrier vessel “CASTOR LEADER” to children, parents, and guardians from Aichi and Mie prefectures who visited Nagoya Port. Those who participated had the opportunity to explore the interior […]
Title: Teikoku Databank Reveals Results of Survey on Corporate Responses to Labor Shortages (January 2024) – 72% of Companies in Logistics Sector Report Shortage of Regular Employees, Concerns About Worsening Situation After April
On February 26th, Teikoku Databank (TDB) announced the results of the “Trends in Companies’ Response to Labor Shortages (January 2024)” survey. According to the survey, in January 2024, 72% of logistics companies feel a shortage of regular employees. Concerns are rising about the worsening situation post-April. The post “TDB/ 72% of Logistics Companies Experience Shortage […]