Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces a 3.9% Decrease in Total Cargo Transported by Domestic Shipping Vessels in November, with Container and Chassis Volume Showing…
According to the summary of the Inland Shipping Transport Statistics Monthly Report for November released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on February 26, the total transport volume decreased by 3.9% to 25.664 million tons compared to the same month last year. The total ton-kilometers also decreased by 4.4% to 13.053 billion […]
Title: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line), JAPEX, JGC Holdings, and JFE Steel Join Japan-led CCS Value Chain in Malaysia
On February 26th, Japan Petroleum Exploration (JAPEX), Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line), JGC Holdings, and JFE Steel announced their participation in a Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) project in Malaysia. The project aims to establish a CCS value chain originating from Japan.
Title: Japan Post Resumes Door-to-Door Delivery Service for Mail and Packages to Each Household and Business in Suzu City and Noto District, Ishikawa Prefecture
On February 26th, Japan Post announced that they will resume door-to-door delivery of mail and parcels (including pre-sent Yu-Pack, Yu-Packet, Yu-Mail) to households and businesses in Suzu City and Noto Town in Ishikawa Prefecture starting from February 27th. The resumption of door-to-door delivery will be implemented gradually from the 27th in these areas. The post […]
Title: Seino Holdings Launches Co-Creation Idea Program on AUBA Platform to Utilize Seino Group’s Assets for Providing Customers with Additional Value and Solving Challenges
On February 26th, Seino Holdings announced a program on the AUBA Open Innovation Platform, operated by eiicon, aimed at leveraging Seino Group’s assets (such as land, buildings, vehicles, etc.) to create additional value for customers. The program seeks co-creation ideas to solve customer challenges and contribute to business management. The post “Seino Holdings/ Seeking Co-Creation […]
Title: Air Cargo Transport Association Reports 3.30% Increase in Weight-Based Exports in January, with 10.43% Growth in Number of Shipments, Highlighting Growth in Transpacific Exports
According to the data released by the Air Cargo Transport Association on February 26th, the international air cargo handling performance for January showed an increase in exports. The number of exports was 173,693 items (a 10.43% increase compared to the same month last year), with a total weight of 57,233,498.3 kg (a 3.30% increase). By […]
Title: Funai Soken Logistics to Launch Paid Online Course “LPS Management Training College” in April to Develop Management Talent in Logistics Companies, Featuring Practical Lectures by Consultants Specializing in Logistics Industry
Funai Soken Logi will launch a paid online course, “LPS Management Course College,” in April focusing on developing managerial talent in logistics companies. The course will be conducted by consultants with in-depth knowledge of logistics companies, offering practical lectures to address the challenges surrounding logistics businesses. The post “[PR] Funai Soken Logi/ Online Course for […]
Title: Mitsubishi Chemical Logistics Announces Organizational Restructuring Effective April 1 to Enhance Foundation of Land Transport Business and Adapt to Changes in Logistics Environment
Mitsubishi Chemical Logistics announced an organizational restructuring effective April 1st on February 26th. This restructuring aims to strengthen the foundation of their core business, the land transportation business, while also responding effectively to changes in the logistics environment. The changes include separating the production logistics function from the land transportation division of the first business […]
Title: Logisteed to Host Free Webinar on “Streamlining Complex Logistics Operations in Rental Business and Internal Asset Management through RFID-Based Item Tracking Service”
LogiSteer will be hosting a free webinar on March 7th titled “Efficiently Streamlining Complex Logistics Operations in the Rental Business and In-house Asset Management through RFID-based Individual Inventory Management Services.” Their expertise in rental logistics combined with dedicated systems allows LogiSteer to address the unique challenges of rental and internal asset management using RFID technology. […]
Title: Japan Institute of Logistics Systems (JILS) Offers Free Post-Event Video Distribution for “Strategic SCM Course Special Lecture and Enrollment Information Session” Held on January 29
The Japan Logistics Systems Association (JILS) is offering a complimentary video recording of the “Strategic SCM Course Special Lecture and Information Session” held on January 29th for those interested in retrospective attendance. The Strategic SCM Course provides insights from leading domestic and international experts in the field. The post “【PR】JILS/ Distribution of Video Recording of […]
Title: Major Food Manufacturers and Logistics Company F-LINE Collaborate on “F-LINE Project” for Logistics Efficiency, Discussing Outlook for 2024 with Logistics Department Heads in Participating Companies
The prominent food manufacturers (Ajinomoto, Kagome, Mizkan, Nisshin Oillio Group, Nisshin Seifun Group, House Foods Group Headquarters) and logistics provider (F-LINE) are jointly working on the “F-LINE Project” to enhance logistics efficiency. As they approach the challenges of 2024, we interview the heads of each company’s logistics department participating in the F-LINE Project to gain […]