Title: Japan Post Resumes Door-to-Door Mail and Parcel Delivery to Households and Businesses in Disaster-Affected Areas of Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Including Kusu City and Noto Town, Starting February 27
On the 26th, Japan Post announced that they will resume door-to-door delivery of mail and parcels to households and businesses in Kusu City and Noto Town in Ishikawa Prefecture starting from the 27th following the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Japan Post will restart individual deliveries in response to the significant impact of the earthquake on the […]
Title: Logiland Acquires Development Site for Logistics Facility of Approximately 47,110m2 near Tosu Interchange in Ogori City, Fukuoka
On February 26th, Logiland announced the acquisition of development land for “LOGI LAND Ogori Tosu Inter I & II” in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The logistics facilities to be developed by Logiland on this site will cover approximately 47,110 square meters near Tosu Interchange. The post “Logiland/ Acquires Development Land for Logistics Facility of Approximately […]
Title: 7-Eleven to Raise Prices on Select Items at Seven Cafe Starting March 4 Due to Rising Costs of Ingredients, Packaging, and Logistics Impacts, Ensuring Customer Satisfaction in Taste and Quality
On February 26th, Seven-Eleven announced that they will increase the prices of some items at their “Seven Cafe” starting from March 4th. This decision comes as a result of ongoing impacts such as the rising costs of raw materials, containers, packaging, and logistics expenses. The aim is to continue delivering customer satisfaction through quality and […]
Title: E-Logit Announces Capital Partnership Agreement with RENATUS ROBOTICS, Winner of Pitch Contest at Berkeley SkyDeck on February 1, as Reported on February 22
On the 22nd, E-Logit announced that RENATUS ROBOTICS, with whom they have entered into a capital partnership agreement, emerged as the winner at the pitch contest held by “Berkeley SkyDeck” on February 1st.
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to Hold Study Group on Promoting Adoption of Digital Tachographs for Advancing Logistics Innovation on February 28
On the 26th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that they will hold a meeting on the promotion of digital tachographs (digita-tacho) on the 28th to advance the adoption of digital tachographs for logistics innovation. This meeting aims to enhance operational management in the trucking industry through the advancement of digital tachograph […]
Title: Moji Customs Reports January Kyushu Economic Zone Trade Statistics (Preliminary): Exports Increase by 19.5% Year-on-Year to 865.1 Billion Yen, Imports Decrease by 14.8% to 874.3 Billion Yen, Resulting in a Trade Surplus of 9.2 Billion Yen
According to the preliminary January trade statistics for the Kyushu economic zone announced by Moji Customs on the 21st, exports increased by 19.5% year-on-year to 865.1 billion yen, while imports decreased by 14.8% to 874.3 billion yen, resulting in an import surplus of 9.2 billion yen. This marks the 21st consecutive month of export growth […]
Title: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Reveals Name “Mirai II (Two)” for Future Arctic Research Vessel in Collaboration with JAMSTEC, Expected to be Completed Around November 2026
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) announced on the 22nd that the name of the Arctic research vessel, which the company is scheduled to operate, has been decided as “Mirai II (Two).” The Arctic research vessel is currently under construction by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), with completion expected around November 2026.
Title: Osaka Customs Reports Kansai Airport Trade Statistics (Preliminary) for January: Exports Increase by 15.2% Year-on-Year to 491.9 Billion Yen, Marking Two Consecutive Months of Growth, While Imports Decrease by 2.4% to 362.5 Billion Yen, Resulting in a Trade Surplus of 129.4 Billion Yen
According to the trade preliminary report for Kansai Airport announced by Osaka Customs on the 21st, in January, the total export value increased by 15.2% year-on-year to 491.9 billion yen, marking the second consecutive month of growth. The total import value decreased by 2.4% to 362.5 billion yen, the second consecutive month of decline. This […]
Title: SimTops Receives Scandit Award for “i-Repo Scan” at Scandit Empower Japan 2024 Event on February 7
On the 26th, Shimtops, based in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, announced that at the Scandit Award ceremony held during “Scandit Empower Japan 2024” on February 7th, they were recognized for their “i-Repo Scan” technology, which enables the simultaneous and continuous scanning of multiple barcodes.
Title: Logizard to Host “E-Commerce Logistics Study Event for Sales Representatives of Logistics Companies” in Nagoya on March 6, Focusing on Entry into E-Commerce Logistics Market
Logizard, a provider of cloud-based inventory management systems based in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, announced on the 22nd that they will be hosting a “E-commerce Logistics Study Session for Sales Representatives of Logistics Companies” in Nagoya on March 6th. This study session aims to provide insights for sales representatives of logistics companies that are considering entering into […]