Title: Hamakyorex, in Collaboration with Kao, Lion, Ito Yokado, and Welcia Drug Stores, Wins Environmental Minister’s Award for Container Recycling Initiative “Refill Pack Collection and Horizontal Recycling”

Hamakyorex announced on February 21st that their collaborative initiative with Kao, Lion, Ito-Yokado, and Welcia Pharmacy on the “Recycling Activity for Refill Packs Collection and Closed-loop Recycling” has received the Environment Minister’s Award at the 6th Japan Open Innovation Prize organized by the Cabinet Office. The post “Hamakyorex/ Awarded Environment Minister’s Prize for Container Recycling […]

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Title: X Mile Launches Alcohol Check Service for Efficient Labor Management in Response to 2024 Problem for Logistics Operators

X Mile, a provider of SaaS platforms for logistics operators, announced on February 22nd that they will begin offering an alcohol check service to streamline labor management in response to the 2024 Issue. The company specializes in business management and labor management solutions. The post “X Mile/ Begins Offering Alcohol Check Service for Transportation Industry” […]

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Title: Transportation and Warehousing Sector Ranks Second Highest in Wage Improvements According to Teikoku Databank’s Corporate Survey on Wage Trends for FY 2024

According to the “Corporate Perception Survey on Wage Trends for the Fiscal Year 2024” released by Teikoku Databank on February 21st, the industry-specific data on wage improvements by companies showed that the “Transportation and Warehousing” sector ranked second highest after the “Manufacturing” sector. The survey also indicates that the wage improvement in the transportation and […]

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Title: Ministry of Finance Reports Trade Statistics for January: 11.9% Increase in Exports and 9.6% Decrease in Imports

According to the preliminary trade statistics report for January released by the Ministry of Finance on February 21st, the export amount was ¥73.27 trillion (an increase of 11.9% compared to the same month last year), marking a second consecutive monthly increase. Meanwhile, the import amount was ¥99.10 trillion (a decrease of 9.6%), resulting in a […]

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Title: Decart DataMine Releases Statistics on Container Freight Volume from Japan to the United States for January Based on US Customs and B/L Data

On February 22nd, Decart DataMine released the statistical data for container cargo volume (converted to 20-foot container units) from Japan to the United States based on US Customs Bill of Lading data for the month of January. The post “Container Cargo Volume Bound for the United States via Sea Freight/ 17.9% Increase in January, Strong […]

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Title: Funai Soken Logistics to Host Seminar on “Establishing Wage Systems for Trucking Companies to Evaluate Productive Employees” for Transport and Logistics Company Executives in Osaka and Tokyo

【PR】Funaioh Consulting’s Logistics Division will be hosting a seminar titled “Building a Wage System for Trucking Companies to Evaluate Highly Productive Employees” targeted at transportation and logistics company executives. The seminar will take place in Osaka on March 18 and in Tokyo on April 22. Discussions during the seminar will focus on… The post “【PR】Funaioh […]

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Title: Hamakyorex, Kao, Lion, Ito Yokado, and Welcia Drug Stores Receive Environmental Minister’s Award in 6th Japan Open Innovation Awards for Recycling Initiative “Refill Pack Collection and Horizontal Recycling”

On the 21st, Hamakyorex announced that their recycling initiative “Collection of Refill Packs and Horizontal Recycling” conducted in collaboration with Kao, Lion, Ito-Yokado, and Welcia Drugstore has been awarded the Environment Minister’s Prize at the 6th Japan Open Innovation Awards, sponsored by the Cabinet Office.

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Title: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha and Daito Corporation Announce Visit to Liquefied CO2 Transport Demonstration Ship “X-Cool” Docked at Yokohama Port for NEDO Project Demonstration

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) and Daito Corporation announced on February 22nd that they visited the liquid CO2 transport demonstration vessel “Excool” that was docked at the Yokohama Port Daikoku C-4 Terminal on February 16th. The vessel is part of a demonstration project by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) for the […]

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Title: Mujin Establishes Subsidiary “Mujin Japan” for Intelligent Robot Solutions Development in Tokyo

Mujin, a developer of intelligent robotic solutions based in Koto-ku, Tokyo, announced on the 22nd the establishment of its new subsidiary, Mujin Japan. Mujin Japan, holding a construction business license, will focus on software platform engineering.

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Title: Tokyo Shoko Research (TSR) Reports Record High Number of Bankruptcies and Dissolutions in the Light Freight Transport Industry in 2023

On the 21st, Tokyo Shoko Research (TSR) based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, announced the results of their survey on the trends in light freight transportation industry for the year 2023. According to the survey, there were 49 bankruptcies and 74 closures or dissolutions in the same year, marking the highest number since the start of statistical […]

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