Summary: Hacobu, based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced on the 12th that they were awarded the Gold Prize at the “10th Nikkei BPMarketing Awards.” This award, organized by Nikkei BP, recognizes marketing activities from various perspectives. Their awarded…
On the 12th, Hacobu, based in Minato, Tokyo, announced that they have been awarded the Gold Prize at the 10th Nikkei BPMarketing Awards. This award, organized by Nikkei BP, recognizes outstanding marketing activities from various perspectives. Hacobu’s achievement in winning the Gold Prize highlights their excellence and innovation in marketing strategies. Stay updated on industry […]
Summary: Menicon (located in Naka Ward, Nagoya) announced on the 11th the acquisition of land within “Technoport Fukui” in Fukui City to establish a new manufacturing and production development base for contact lenses and care products. They signed a tripartite agreement with Fukui Prefecture and Fukui City for the new base.
On the 11th, Menicon, located in Naka Ward, Nagoya City, announced the acquisition of a site within the “Technoport Fukui” in Fukui City to establish a new base for manufacturing and developing contact lenses and care products. Menicon has entered into a tripartite agreement with Fukui Prefecture and Fukui City for this project. The new […]
Summary: AeroSense, based in Kita Ward, Tokyo, specializing in developing industrial drones, conducted the operation of their vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing drone “AeroBowing” during the demonstration experiment on March 8th by Shizuoka Prefecture for long-distance transport of medical equipment.
Aerosense, based in Kita Ward, Tokyo, and known for developing industrial drones, participated in a verification test conducted by Shizuoka Prefecture on March 8th involving the long-distance transportation of medical equipment using drones. Aerosense operated the vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing drone (VTOL) called “Aerowing” during the test. This successful operation showcases the capabilities of […]
Summary: Art Hikkoshi Center announced on the 12th a significant update to “Moving My Page,” introducing three new services – “My Pocket,” “Info Email,” and “Customer Contact Point” – starting from the 13th. This update includes the digitization of moving-related documents…
On the 12th, Art Hikkoshi Center announced a significant update to their “Moving My Page” platform, introducing three new services – “My Pocket,” “Info Email,” and “Customer Support.” These new services will be launched starting from the 13th. The update includes the digitization of documents related to moving processes, enhancing customer convenience and efficiency. Clients […]
Summary: eve autonomy in Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture, announced on the 12th its participation in the utilization of a local 5G verification environment constructed by NTT East Akita Branch and Akita University. They will offer outdoor unmanned transport services and host an event on March 18 at the university.
On the 12th, Eve Autonomy, based in Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture, announced the commencement of providing a verification environment utilizing local 5G established by NTT East Japan’s Akita Branch and Akita University. In conjunction with this initiative, on March 18th, an outdoor unmanned transport service event titled “…” will be held at Akita University. Stay […]
Summary: Startup RENATUS ROBOTICS (based in San Francisco, USA), specializing in automated warehouse system development, announced on the 12th the appointment of Kei Watanabe as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Watanabe brings experience in providing payment services and more to his new role.
On the 12th, RENATUS ROBOTICS, a startup specializing in automated warehouse systems development based in San Francisco, USA, announced the appointment of Mr. Kei Watanabe as their Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Mr. Watanabe brings with him a wealth of experience in providing payment services and has a strong background in financial management. This strategic appointment […]
Summary: IHI disclosed on the 12th that 23 companies within their group were certified as “Excellent Health Management Corporations for 2024” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry and the Japan Health Council. Their group focuses on enhancing workplace vitality through initiatives like stress assessments, workplace health surveys, and promoting health-related…
On the 12th, IHI announced that 23 companies within the group have been certified as “Excellent Corporations for Health Management 2024” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council. These certifications recognize IHI Group’s efforts in enhancing workplace vitality through the utilization of stress checks, workplace health assessments, and initiatives […]
Summary: Kagawa Trucking Association urges membership in the prefecture’s Expressway Traffic Safety Council (Expressway Safety Council). The council aims to raise awareness of traffic safety on expressways, prevent traffic accidents, and enhance safety measures through collaboration with relevant organizations, using membership fees from members.
The Kagawa Trucking Association is calling for membership in the Kagawa Expressway Traffic Safety Council (Kagawa Kousoku Ankyo). The Kagawa Kousoku Ankyo aims to promote traffic safety awareness on expressways and collaborate with relevant organizations to prevent traffic accidents and ensure safety on expressways in the prefecture. By joining the council and contributing membership fees, […]
Summary: Mitsui-Soko Holdings announced on the 12th that it has been selected as one of the constituent stocks of the “MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index,” newly adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund for ESG investments. This index is provided by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) and focuses on companies in Japan displaying strong Environmental, Social, and Governance practices.
On the 12th, Mitsui-Soko Holdings announced that they have been selected as component stocks in the “MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index,” which was newly adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) for ESG investments. This index is provided by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) and focuses on Japanese stocks that exhibit strong environmental, […]
Summary: Mitsui-Soko Holdings announced on the 12th that it has been certified as an “Excellent Health Management Corporation for 2024 (Large Corporation Division)” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry and the Japan Health Council for its outstanding implementation of health management practices. The company conducts regular health check-ups, stress assessments, and health…
On the 12th, Mitsui-Soko Holdings announced that they had been certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council as an outstanding practitioner of health management. They were recognized in the “Excellent Health Management Corporation 2024 (Large Corporation Division).” Mitsui-Soko Holdings implements practices such as regular health check-ups, stress assessments, […]