Title: Ascle Obtains “Net Zero Certification” from International Initiative SBT (Science Based Targets). On March 8th, Ascle announced that they have received the “Net Zero Certification” from the international initiative SBT (Science Based Targets). The company aims to achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for the entire supply chain by the year 2050, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability…
On March 8th, Asukuru announced that they have obtained the “Net Zero Certification” from the international initiative Science Based Targets (SBT). The company aims to achieve actual greenhouse gas emissions reduction across the entire supply chain by 2050. This certification reflects their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Title: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Launches Public Relations Campaign to Encourage Behavior Change among Consumers and Logistics Companies for Smooth Logistics Operations and Reduction of Unsuccessful Delivery Rates.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government recently announced a public relations campaign and awareness-raising activities aimed at promoting behavioral changes among consumers and logistics providers to ensure smooth logistics operations and reduce the high rate of redelivery caused by insufficient transportation capacity. Through these initiatives, they aim to encourage actions that lead to more efficient logistics processes and […]
Title: Japan Airlines Reveals Cargo Freighter Operation Plan for First Half of Fiscal Year 2024, Adding New Narita-Hong Kong Route and Increasing Flights on Narita-Shanghai (Pudong) Route.
On the 8th, Japan Airlines (JAL) announced their cargo dedicated freighter (freighter) operation plan for the first half of the fiscal year 2024. As part of this plan, a new route between Narita and Hong Kong will be introduced, with operations commencing at a frequency of one flight per week. Additionally, the Narita to Shanghai […]
Title: TOTO Invests 10 Billion Yen to Start Operation of Faucet Factory in Vietnam. TOTO Vietnam Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of TOTO, announced on March 7th that they have commenced operations at a faucet factory in Vietnam starting from March. The factory, operated by TOTO Vietnam, represents a significant investment of 10 billion yen and aims to enhance the production capabilities of faucet products in the region…
TOTO Vietnam Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of the TOTO Group, announced on March 7th that they have commenced operations at their faucet factory in Vietnam starting from March. The newly operational faucet factory by TOTO Vietnam will further enhance their production capabilities in the region.
Title: Kintetsu Express Partners with Volvo Group to Utilize Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to Achieve Decarbonization in Air Transportation.
On the 7th, Kintetsu Express, based in Minato Ward, Tokyo, announced that they have entered into a partnership agreement with the Volvo Group from Sweden regarding the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). SAF provides a way to achieve decarbonization without the need to modify existing aviation infrastructure, making it an essential component in the […]
Title: Nishitetsu Railway Reports 15.0% Decrease in Air Cargo Export Volume for February. According to the air cargo handling performance data released by Nishitetsu Railway on March 8th, the mixed loading weight for air exports in February decreased by 15.0% to 3036 tons compared to the same month last year. Additionally, the number of customs clearance for air imports in Japan amounted to 6148, representing a decline of 13.7%…
According to the air cargo handling performance announced by Nishi-Nippon Railway on March 8th for the month of February, the mixed-weight of air cargo export was 3,036 tons (a decrease of 15.0% compared to the same month last year), and the number of imported air cargo customs clearance cases in Japan was 6,148 (a decrease […]
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Certifies 1 Company as Eco Rail Mark Participant, 1 Product as Certified, and 3 Companies as Sponsors in the 46th Eco Rail Mark Operation and Review Committee Meeting.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism announced on the 8th that during the 46th “Eco Rail Mark Operation and Review Committee” meeting, they have decided to certify one company as a participant in the Eco Rail Mark initiative, approve one product as a certified item, and recognize three companies as sponsors. The Eco […]
Title: MOL PULS, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines’ Corporate Venture Capital, Invests in Emarshion Flow Technologies, Focused on Rare Metal Recovery and Recycling Business.
On the 8th, MOL PULS, the corporate venture capital arm of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) based in Minato Ward, Tokyo, announced its decision to invest in Emulsion Flow Technologies (located in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture), a company primarily focused on the recovery and recycling of rare metals. This investment signifies MOL PULS’s strategic move towards […]
Title: Funai Sokei Research Logistics to Host Free Online Seminar on Revenue Structure and Productivity Transformation for Logistics Subsidiaries. Funai Sokei Research Logistics will hold an online seminar titled “Unveiling the True Value of Logistics Subsidiaries in an Era of Rapid Change – Revenue Structure and Productivity Transformation” on April 24th. The seminar will focus on strategies for acquiring external sales for logistics subsidiaries and navigating the evolving external environment surrounding these companies…
On April 24th, Funai Soken Logistics will be hosting a free online seminar titled “The True Value of Logistics Subsidiaries in an Era of Dramatic Change – A Major Transformation in Profit Structure and Productivity.” The seminar will focus on external sales acquisition for logistics subsidiaries. Topics will include the external environment surrounding logistics subsidiaries, […]
Title: Japan Trucking Association Promotes Safety Education Training by Providing Subsidies for Training Courses for Truck Drivers and Safety Management Personnel.
The All Japan Trucking Association provides subsidies to encourage participation in safety education and training for truck drivers and safety management personnel. The subsidies are granted for attending safety education and training programs designated by the association. The amount of subsidy is determined based on the type of training, with a maximum limit for general…