Title: All Japan Trucking Association (AJTA) Holds 204th Board Meeting in Tokyo. On the 7th, the All Japan Trucking Association (AJTA) convened its 204th board meeting at a hotel in Tokyo. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Tetsuo Saito, expressed gratitude for the association’s support in aiding the disaster-stricken areas during the Noto Peninsula earthquake, and discussed governmental initiatives in response to the challenges posed by the “2024 Problem”…

On the 7th, the All Japan Trucking Association (Zenritsu) held its 204th board meeting at a hotel in Tokyo. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Tetsuo Saito, expressed gratitude for the association and its members’ support in aiding the disaster-affected areas of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Additionally, discussions […]

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Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus’ Recall of 1651 Units of “Fuso Fighter” Trucks. On the 7th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism disclosed that Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus, located in Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, has reported a recall of a total of 1651 units of the large trucks “Fuso Fighter” models QDG-FQ62F and 2DG-FQ62F. The issue was identified in…

On March 7th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus, based in Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City, reported a recall of a total of 1651 units of large trucks, specifically the “Fuso Fighter” models QDG-FQ62F and 2DG-FQ62F. The recall was initiated due to an issue identified in the…

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Title: CRE Completes Construction of “Logi Square Fukuoka Ogōri,” a BTS-type Logistics Facility totaling 23,900 m2 in total floor area in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, which had been under development. The facility caters to the specific needs of a designated user.

On March 7th, CRE announced that the logistics facility “Logisquare Fukuoka Ogori” being developed in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, was completed on February 29th. The facility consists of five buildings totaling 23,900 square meters and is a build-to-suit type logistics facility tailored to the specific needs of a particular user.

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Title: Shibazawa Warehouse Initiates Rate Quoting on STANDAGE’s International Freight Cost Instant Quoting System “DigiTrade Forwarding.” Shibazawa Warehouse announced on March 7 their collaboration with STANDAGE, a digital trade platform developer, by providing rate quoting services on the “DigiTrade Forwarding” system.

On March 7th, Shibazawa Warehouse announced that they have started providing rate quotations through STANDAGE’s international logistics cost instant quoting system, “DigiTrad Forwarding,” which is a digital trade platform development and provision company. The system allows for immediate freight rate quotations, enhancing efficiency in international logistics operations.

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Title: Cainz announced on March 7 that they have been selected as the power supply provider for Gunma Prefecture’s “Local Production for Local Consumption Type PPA (Gunma Model).” The initiative will enable all Cainz stores and logistics facilities in Gunma to achieve carbon neutrality through the power generated by the ShimoKubo power plant.

On March 7th, Cainz announced that they have been selected as a power supply provider for the “Local Production, Local Consumption Type PPA (Gunma Model)” initiative established by Gunma Prefecture. The initiative aims for CO2 emission reductions by supplying electricity generated from the Shitakubo Power Plant to 33 facilities in Gunma Prefecture, which includes 29 […]

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Title: Ministry of Finance Announces Trade Statistics for the First Half of February 2024 on March 7, indicating exports at 5.3472 trillion yen (a 0.7% decrease from the same period last year) and imports at 6.1538 trillion yen (a 0.1% increase). The trade balance showed a deficit of 806.5 billion yen…

According to the trade statistics flash report for the first half of February 2024 released by the Ministry of Finance on March 7th, the export amount was 5,347.29 billion yen (a decrease of 0.7% from the same month last year) and the import amount was 6,153.82 billion yen (an increase of 0.1%). The trade balance, […]

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Title: Fukuyama Transport and Komaru Traffic Foundation Sign a Letter of Intent on Industry-Academia Collaboration with Sorbonne University in the French Republic. The agreement was formalized and celebrated at the Sorbonne University’s Graduate School of Education on March 6.

On March 6th, Fukuyama Transport and Komaru Kotsu Foundation announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding on industry-academic collaboration with Sorbonne University Graduate School of Education (French Republic) and Fukuyama City University. The signing ceremony took place at Sorbonne University Graduate School of Education, with Alain Furgier from the university.

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Title: “Success Stories! Top 3 Secrets of Achieving Collaborative Delivery – Choosing the Strategy of ‘Being Chosen’ by Shippers” Online Seminar by Funai Soken Research Logistics on April 9 and 16, targeting business owners and executives of shipper companies to delve into the secrets of collaborative delivery.

Shipai Souken Roji will be hosting a free online seminar titled “Learning from Successful Companies! 3 Secrets to Achieving Collaborative Delivery! – Strategies for Shippers to be ‘Chosen’ -” on April 9th and 16th for executives and management of shipper companies. The seminar will focus on collaborative delivery strategies for shippers to be selected by […]

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Title: Mitsui E&S Successfully Tests Hydrogen Combustion Operation in Large Marine Test Engine with MAN Energy Solutions SE from Germany. On the 7th, Mitsui E&S, based in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, announced a successful hydrogen combustion test in a large marine test engine with a cylinder diameter of 50cm in collaboration with MAN Energy Solutions SE. According to Mitsui E&S, this achievement marks a significant step towards…

On March 7th, Mitsui E&S, located in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, announced a successful hydrogen combustion test on a large marine test engine with a cylinder diameter of 50cm in collaboration with MAN Energy Solutions SE based in Germany. According to Mitsui E&S, this achievement marks a significant step forward in the development of similar hydrogen […]

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Title: Japan GLP to Host Open House Event for “GLP Keno Itsukazawa” in Itsukamachi, Sashima District, Ibaraki Prefecture on March 26-27. The facility, located near the “Itsukazawa IC” on the Keno Expressway connecting to National Route 4, offers convenient access for Kanto wide-area distribution via both expressways and local roads.

Japan GLP will be hosting a two-day open house event for “GLP Ken’ou Itsukazan” located in Itsukamachi, Sarushima-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture on March 26th and 27th. The facility is situated in close proximity to the “Itsuka Interchange” on the Ken-O Expressway, which connects to National Route 4, allowing for efficient distribution operations covering the Kanto region […]

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