Title: Tokyo University of Science Spin-off Venture Inofis Launches Sales of “Muscle Suit Every” and “Muscle Suit Soft-Power” in Czech Republic and Slovakia. On the 7th, Inofis, based in Hachioji City, Tokyo, announced the commencement of sales for “Muscle Suit Every” and “Muscle Suit Soft-Power” in the Czech Republic and Slovakia starting from the 1st. Inofis specializes in developing muscle suits…
On March 7th, Inofis, a venture originating from Tokyo University of Science in Hachioji City, announced the commencement of sales of “Muscle Suit Every” and “Muscle Suit Soft-Power” in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Inofis specializes in the development and distribution of muscle suits designed to assist with physical tasks.
Title: eBay Japan Reveals Annual Cross-border E-commerce Trends for 2023, Showing Double-digit Growth in Sales Despite Post-COVID Impact. On March 7th, eBay Japan, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, published a report on the cross-border e-commerce sales trends for 2023. According to the report, sales using eBay from Japan have demonstrated double-digit growth even amidst the effects of the post-COVID era. Particularly, categories such as…
On March 7th, eBay Japan, located in Minato Ward, Tokyo, released the annual cross-border e-commerce sales trends for 2023. According to the report, despite the impact of the post-COVID situation, sales through eBay from Japan have achieved double-digit growth. In particular, categories such as “…”
Title: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Announces Regular Vessel Contract with Petrobras and Negotiations for New CTV Vessel Contract. On March 6, SeaLoading Holding AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines that owns and operates Cargo Transfer Vessel (CTV), entered into a regular vessel contract with the Brazilian state-owned oil company Petrobras…
On March 6th, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines announced that their wholly-owned subsidiary SeaLoading Holding AS, which owns and operates Cargo Transfer Vessels (CTV) under the name CTV, has entered into a regular ship contract with the Brazilian state oil company Petrobras.
Title: Mitsui Warehouse Holdings Releases “VALUE REPORT 2023” Recognized by Investment Institutions for High Quality Reporting. On the 7th, Mitsui Warehouse Holdings, based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced the publication of their group’s integrated report, “VALUE REPORT 2023,” which has been selected by investment institutions responsible for managing the entrusted operation of domestic stocks from the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) as a highly commendable integrated report…
On the 7th, Mitsui-Soko Holdings, based in Minato Ward, Tokyo, announced that their group’s integrated report “VALUE REPORT 2023” was selected as one of the reports with high improvement by the institutions entrusted with managing domestic equities for the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF).
Title: Yamato Transport Collaborates with Shopify Japan to Enhance Smooth Delivery and Receipt Services for Domestic E-commerce Businesses. On the 7th, Yamato Transport announced a partnership with Shopify Japan, located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, to introduce new initiatives aimed at facilitating seamless delivery and receipt of packages for domestic e-commerce businesses utilizing the EC platform “Shopify”…
On March 7th, Yamato Transport announced their collaboration with Shopify Japan, based in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, to provide a new solution aimed at domestic e-commerce businesses utilizing the e-commerce platform “Shopify.” This collaboration aims to facilitate smooth deliveries and pickups for parcels for Japanese e-commerce businesses using the Shopify platform.
Title: Drone Development Company ACSL Signs Agreement with Kasai Police Station for Information Sharing During Major Disasters. On the 7th, ACSL (located in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo), specializing in drone development, announced that they have entered into an agreement on February 22 with the Kasai Police Station of the Metropolitan Police Department (Kasai Police Station) regarding information provision during large-scale disasters. As per the agreement, in the event of a major disaster, ACSL will collaborate with…
On the 7th, ACSL (Advanced Communication Systems Laboratory) based in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, announced that they have signed an agreement with the Katsushika Police Station of the Metropolitan Police Department on February 22nd regarding information provision during large-scale disasters. Under this agreement, in the event of a large-scale disaster, ACSL will provide information using drones to […]
Title: Yamato Transport Announces Small Parcel Handling Performance for February. On the 6th, Yamato Transport disclosed its small parcel handling performance for February this year. The delivery volume for “Ta-Q-Bin, Ta-Q-Bin Compact, EAZY” reached 135.11 million pieces, representing a 100.9% increase compared to the previous year. The cumulative total for the current fiscal year amounted to 1.73428 billion pieces, corresponding to 97.9% of the total…
On the 6th, Yamato Transport announced their small parcel handling performance for February of this year. The performance for “Takkyubin, Takkyubin Compact, EAZY” was 135.11 million pieces (100.9% compared to the previous year), with a total of 1.73428 billion pieces for the current fiscal year (97.9% compared to the previous year). Additionally, “NekoPos, Kuro…”
Title: Pal System Kanagawa Installs Self-Consumption Solar Power Generation Systems at Yokohama Sugata Center and Yokosuka Center. On the 6th, Pal System Kanagawa, located in Yokohama, announced the implementation of self-consumption solar power generation facilities at Yokohama Sugata Center in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City, and Yokosuka Center in Yamashita-dai, Yokosuka City. The generated electricity will be consumed within each center, meeting approximately 15% of their power needs…
On the 6th, Palsystem Kanagawa, based in Yokohama, announced that they have installed self-consumption type solar power generation systems at their Yokohama Sugada Center (Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City) and Yokosuka Center (Yamashita-dai, Yokosuka City). The electricity generated will be consumed at each center, covering approximately 15% of their electricity needs.
Title: Green Co-op Community of 16 Co-ops in Western Japan, Headquartered in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Announces Signing of Disaster Relief Agreement with Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture. On the 7th, Green Co-op Community, consisting of 16 cooperatives primarily in Western Japan, disclosed that Green Co-op Seikyo Kyodo Kumiai Fukuoka, one of its member cooperatives, will hold a signing ceremony for the “Agreement on Supply of Goods in Times of Disasters” with Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture…
On March 7th, Green Co-op Community, consisting of 16 co-ops primarily in western Japan and headquartered in Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, announced that one of its members, Green Co-op Consumer Cooperative Fukuoka, held a signing ceremony for the “Agreement on Supply of Goods in Times of Disaster” with Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The agreement aims […]
Title: Konoike Transport Completes Technical Center “TechnoLogis Makuhari” in Noda, Chiba and Will Begin Full Operations on April 1st. On the 7th, Konoike Transport announced the completion of their Technical Center “TechnoLogis Makuhari” in Noda, Chiba, and revealed plans to commence full operations starting from April 1st. This facility will serve as the hub for their unique service “K-MVS (Konoike-Mul…
On the 7th, Konoike Transport announced that their technical center “TechnoRoss Makuhari” has been completed in Narashino City, Chiba Prefecture, and will commence full operation from April 1st. They introduced their proprietary service “K-MVS (Konoike-Multi Vendor System),” which combines air conditioning retrofitting technology with logistics.