Title: “Logistics Discussion” Hybrid Event, featuring Nomura Real Estate as Guest, to Discuss Logistics Challenges both In-person and Online, will be held on March 28 by Logistics Today. In its second edition, the event will focus on the theme “Aggressive Developers, Protective 3PL | Coexistence with People or…
LOGISTICS TODAY will be hosting a hybrid event titled “物流議論” featuring Nomura Real Estate to discuss logistics challenges on March 28th. This second event will focus on “Aggressive Developers, and Protective 3PL | Coexistence with People or…”.
Title: CRE Announces Completion of Logistics Facility “LogiSquare Fukuoka Ogori” in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture. On March 6, CRE announced that the logistics facility they were developing in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, named “LogiSquare Fukuoka Ogori,” was completed on February 29. The facility adopts a Built-to-Suit (BTS) model for developing facilities tailored to the specific needs of users.
On the 6th, CRE announced that the logistics facility “Logisquare Fukuoka Ogori” being developed in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, was completed on February 29th. Logisquare Fukuoka Ogori is a build-to-suit (BTS) type facility developed based on the specific needs of a particular user.
Title: Flywheel Implements Data Utilization Infrastructure “Conata” and Provides Consulting on Data Utilization for KDDI East Japan Logistics Center in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. On the 7th, Flywheel, based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, revealed a successful case study involving the introduction of their data utilization platform “Conata” and the provision of related consulting services for KDDI East Japan Logistics Center located in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture…
On the 7th, Flywheel, a company based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo that specializes in data utilization solutions, announced a case where they implemented their data utilization platform Conata at the KDDI East Japan Logistics Center in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, and provided related data utilization consulting services.
Title: Packaging Manufacturer Rengō Announces Price Revision on Cardboard and Paper Products. Effective for deliveries from April 1st, prices for cardboard and paper products will be increased by over 10% from current levels. This adjustment is attributed to the soaring costs of raw materials, escalating logistics expenses, and the commitment to environmental sustainability and improving working conditions.
On the 1st, Rengou, a manufacturer and seller of cardboard and paper packaging products, announced a price revision for their cardboard and paper products. Starting from deliveries on April 1st, prices will be increased by over 10% from the current levels. This adjustment is attributed to the sustained high prices of raw materials, increasing logistics […]
Title: NEDO Initiates Development of Ammonia-fueled Vessels as Part of the Green Innovation Fund Project. On the 7th, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) announced the commencement of two new themes within the “Development of Next-Generation Ships” project under the Green Innovation Fund initiative, specifically focusing on the development of ammonia-fueled vessels…
On the 7th, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) announced that as part of the Green Innovation Fund project, they will embark on two new themes for the “Development of Next-Generation Ships” project focusing on the “Development of Ammonia-fueled Ships.”.
Title: Earth Cardboard Introduces Two New Rice Cardboard Box Products for the U.S. Market in Saitama Prefecture, Inamachi. On the 6th, Earth Cardboard, specialized in manufacturing and selling packaging materials, announced the release of two new products: the “Home Delivery Rice Box (5kg Plain Type)” and the “Home Delivery Rice Box (10kg Plain Type)” specifically designed for the U.S. market. The boxes are now available for retail…
On the 6th, Earth Cardboard, a company based in Ina Town, Saitama Prefecture, that manufactures and sells packaging materials, announced the launch of two new cardboard boxes for rice in the U.S. market. The new products are “Home Delivery Rice Box (5kg) Plain Type” and “Home Delivery Rice Box (10kg) Plain Type.” These products are […]
Title: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Subsidiary SeaLoading Holding AS Secures Long-Term Charter Contract with Petrobras for “Sealoader2” Crude Oil Transport Vessel. On the 6th, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines announced that their wholly-owned subsidiary SeaLoading Holding AS has entered into a regular vessel charter agreement with the Brazilian state-owned oil company, Petrobras, for the crude oil transportation vessel “Sealoader2″…
On the 6th, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines announced that their wholly-owned subsidiary SeaLoading Holding AS had entered into a regular ship contract with the Brazilian state oil company Petrobras for the transportation of produced crude oil using the Cargo Transfer Vessel (CTV) “Sealoader2.”
Title: Shibuya Data Count Predicts Automotive Refrigerator Market to Reach Approximately 7.2 Billion USD by 2036. Recently, Shibuya Data Count (SDKI) revealed projections indicating that the market size for automotive refrigerators is estimated to reach around 7.2 billion USD (approximately 1.69 trillion JPY) by the year 2036. According to the company’s analysts, the market size for automotive refrigerators is expected to be around 4.8 billion USD by 2023…
Shibuya Data Count (SDKI) recently announced their forecast that the global market size of automotive refrigerators is expected to reach approximately 7.2 billion US dollars (about 1.69 trillion yen) by 2036. According to analysts at the company, the market size of automotive refrigerators is projected to be around 4.8 billion US dollars in 2023.
Title: Syspro, based in Kita-ku, Osaka City, Launches “SysWork” Service Allowing Companies to Employ Gig Workers In-House using EMS. On the 7th, Syspro, engaged in B2B platform operation, unveiled the introduction of a service called “SysWork” in January, which enables the utilization of the Employer Management System (EMS) to hire gig workers directly within the company.
On the 7th, Syspro, based in Kita-ku, Osaka, announced that they have launched a service called “Syswork” from January, which allows companies to employ gig workers directly using an Employee Management System (EMS). Syswork is a service that enables the hiring of gig workers through this platform.
Title: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Reports 3.2% Increase in Total Cash Earnings for “Transportation and Postal Services” Sector in January. On the 7th, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare disclosed the preliminary results of the Monthly Labor Survey for January, revealing that the total cash earnings in the “Transportation and Postal Services” sector amounted to 332,409 yen, showing a 3.2% increase compared to the same month the previous year…
On the 7th, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced that according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Labor Survey for January, the total cash earnings for the “Transportation and Postal Services” sector were 332,409 yen (an increase of 3.2% compared to the same month in the previous year). The breakdown includes scheduled […]