Title: Volvo Trucks (Sweden) Achieves Record-High Delivery of 145,395 Units Worldwide in Fiscal Year 23. On the 6th, Volvo Trucks announced a significant increase from the previous year’s 145,195 units, marking a successful performance. The growth was primarily driven by key markets such as the United States, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, showcasing a strong global…

On the 6th, Volvo Trucks (Sweden) announced that they achieved a record high delivery of 145,395 units worldwide in the fiscal year of 23. This marked an increase from the 145,195 units delivered in 22, with a focus on the top three markets of the United States, Brazil, and the United Kingdom driving global growth.

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Title: DaiSei Holdings (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), a part of DaiSei Group involved in transportation, IT, food, and hotel businesses, announced on the 6th the continuation of its program “Various Challenges, yet Advancing Women’s Opportunities” launched in 2013 with the aim of fostering a conducive environment to increase female managerial staff.

On the 6th, Daisei Holdings, a part of the Daisei Group that operates in transportation as well as IT, food, and hotel industries, located in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, announced the continuation of their initiative called “Various Challenges, but Women Lead the Way” which was started in 2013 with the aim of increasing female managers to […]

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Title: Startup “Spectee” in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Introduces AI-Powered Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Service, Partners with “Getty Images Holdings” for Content Marketplace. On the 7th, startup company Spectee specializing in AI-driven disaster prevention and crisis management services, based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, announced its partnership with “Getty Images Holdings” to operate a content marketplace…

On the 7th, Spectee, a startup based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, specializing in AI-powered disaster prevention and crisis management services, announced a partnership with Getty Images Holdings, a marketplace for content.

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Title: Nasta Conducts Survey on Crime Prevention Awareness Among 1000 Men and Women Using Home Delivery Services; Tokyo-based provider of mailbox and home delivery box sharing services, Nasta, announced on the 7th the results of a survey conducted on crime prevention awareness. Since 2022, Nasta has been conducting an annual survey at the same time each year to gauge awareness surrounding security measures in home deliveries…

On the 7th, Nasta, a company based in Minato Ward, Tokyo that provides mailbox and parcel box sharing services, conducted a survey on security awareness among 1,000 men and women who use parcel delivery services and announced the results. Nasta has been conducting annual surveys on security awareness related to parcel delivery since 2022 at […]

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Title: Takasho Digitech Announces Completion of New Factory for Takasho Digitech China in China, Initiating Operational Practices. On the 6th, Takasho Digitech, located in Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture, disclosed the completion of the new factory for Takasho Digitech China dedicated to manufacturing outdoor lighting equipment. The inauguration ceremony took place on the 5th, signifying the expansion of the production facilities at Takasho Digitech China’s factory premises…

On the 6th, Takasho Digitec, based in Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture, announced the completion of a new factory for Takasho Digitec China, which is responsible for manufacturing outdoor lighting equipment in China. A completion ceremony was held on the 5th for the new factory. With the expansion of the new facility, the total floor space […]

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Title: IVECO Announces Tesco’s Introduction of 151 Units of their Delivery Electric Vehicles in the UK. Recently, the commercial vehicle manufacturer IVECO from Italy revealed that the major supermarket chain Tesco in the UK has implemented 151 units of their “IVECO eDaily” electric vehicles. The electric motor integrated into the “IVECO eDaily” ensures a sustainable transportation solution for…

Recently, the commercial vehicle manufacturer IVECO from Italy announced that the UK’s leading supermarket Tesco has introduced 151 of their electric delivery vehicles. The “IVECO eDaily” vehicles that have been introduced are equipped with a 14 electric motor, and are being deployed for home delivery services by Tesco.

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Title: AnyMind Group Launches “Global EC Solution” in BPaaS Model for Brand Companies. On the 7th, AnyMind Group announced the initiation of offering their “Global EC Solution” under the BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) model catered towards brand enterprises.

On the 7th, AnyMind Group announced the launch of their “Global EC Solution” under the BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) model, catering to brand companies.

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Title: IVECO’s “IVECO S-Way MY24” Wins the iF Design Award 2024. Recently, the commercial vehicle manufacturer IVECO from Italy announced that their “IVECO S-Way MY24” has been bestowed with the prestigious iF Design Award 2024. The accolade was conferred by the iF International Forum Design GmbH, an organizer established in 195…

Recently, the commercial vehicle manufacturer IVECO from Italy announced that their “IVECO S-Way MY24” has been awarded the iF Design Award 2024. The iF International Forum Design GmbH, which hosts the award, has been recognizing outstanding design achievements since 1953.

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Title: Cainz (Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture) Achieves Carbon Neutrality by Utilizing 100% Renewable Energy, including Four Logistics Facilities in Gunma Prefecture among a Total of 33 Facilities. On March 7, Cainz announced that the electricity used in all 33 facilities is effectively sourced from 100% renewable energy, leading to the realization of CO2-free operations. In Gunma Prefecture, renewable energy generated at the prefectural hydroelectric power plant is…

On the 7th, Cainz (located in Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture) announced that the electricity used in all 33 facilities, including four logistics facilities in Gunma Prefecture, has been effectively switched to 100% renewable energy, achieving carbon neutrality. In Gunma Prefecture, renewable energy produced at the prefectural hydroelectric power plants is utilized for this purpose.

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Title: YE Digital to Exhibit at the “Logistics Warehouse Robotics Operation Expo 2024” in Tokyo, Shinagawa Intercity Hall. YE Digital, based in Kita-ku, Kitakyushu City, announced on the 7th their participation in the “Logistics Warehouse Robotics Operation Expo 2024” to be held over two days on the 25th and 26th of March at Shinagawa Intercity Hall in Minato-ku, Tokyo. The company will showcase their Warehouse Execution System (WES)…

On the 7th, YE Digital (located in Kita-ku, Kitakyushu City) announced their participation in the “Logistics Warehouse Robotics Operation Exhibition 2024” to be held at the Shinagawa Intercity Hall in Tokyo on the 25th and 26th. The company will be showcasing their Warehouse Execution System (WES) at the event.

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