Title: Japan GLP, Monoful, and +A Host Joint Press Conference at Yaesu Office in Tokyo on March 6, Announcing their efforts towards addressing the challenges of 2024. The event emphasized the integration of hardware and software to support solutions for the 2024 logistics issues.
On March 6th, at the Yaesu office in Tokyo, Japan GLP, in conjunction with its group companies Monoful and Plus Automation (+A), held a press conference regarding their initiatives for addressing the “Logistics 2024 Issue.” At the beginning of the conference, Yohei Fujioka, Executive Officer of Japan GLP, stated, “In 2017, the logistics industry…”.
Title: Yamato Transport Announces Handling Performance for February: Courier Service (Takkyubin, Takkyubin Compact, EAZY) at 135,113,012 items (0.9% increase), NekoPos and Kuroneko Yu-Pack at 30,721,155 items (0.8% decrease), and Kuroneko DM…
Yamato Transport announced on March 6th that their small cargo handling performance for February showed an increase of 0.9% in parcel delivery services (TA-Q-BIN, TA-Q-BIN Compact, EAZY), totaling 135,113,012 items. However, the handling volume for Neko Pos, Kuroneko Yu-Pack decreased by 0.8% totaling 30,721,155 items. Kuroneko Delivery handled 8,247,513 items, a 1.3% increase compared to […]
Title: Ricoh Announces Organizational Changes effective April 1, including the establishment of a Supply Chain Function Department as part of the newly created organization. Moreover, the merging of the Professional Services Department’s SCM Control Center and Quality Control Center into the Supply Chain Function Department was disclosed on March 6.
On March 6th, Ricoh announced organizational changes effective from April 1st. Among these changes, they will establish a new organization, the Supply Chain Function Management Department. They will also integrate the Professional Services Department’s SCM Command Center and Quality Command Center into the newly established Supply Chain Function Management Department.
Title: Faiz Holdings Announces Opening of New Base “Nagoya Nakamura Second Business Site” with Warehouse Functions in Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City, operated by group company Faiz Operations, in a multi-tenant logistics facility measuring 26,000 square meters, stated on March 6.
On March 6th, Faiz Holdings announced the opening of a new base, the “Nagoya Nakamura Second Business Site,” with warehouse functions by their group company Faiz Operations in Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City. The new site occupies a multi-tenant logistics facility covering 26,000 square meters.
Title: Shin Nihon Rika Announces Organizational Changes to Integrate Procurement Headquarters and Sales Headquarters in Logistics, effective April 1, with the aim of enhancing profitability through unified operations, revealed on March 6.
On March 6th, Shin Nihon Rika announced organizational changes effective from April 1st. In the logistics-related aspect, they disclosed the integration of the Procurement Division responsible for raw material procurement and logistics with the Sales Division. They aim to enhance profitability through integrated operations.
Title: Pal System Kanagawa Introduces Self-Consumption Type Solar Power Generation Systems at “Yokohama Sugata Center” in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City, and “Yokosuka Center” in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, as announced on March 6.
On March 6th, Pal System Kanagawa announced the installation of self-consumption type solar power generation facilities at their “Yokohama Sugata Center” in Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City, and “Yokosuka Center” in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The output of the facilities is significant, with solar panels installed on the rooftop of the Yokosuka Center.
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces an Overview of the “12th Japan-Korea High-Level Transport Consultation” held in Seoul, South Korea on February 20. Discussions included transport services in local regions, policies regarding autonomous driving, direction of logistics policies, and promotion of environmentally friendly transportation, emphasising dialogue on common challenges in the field of transport between Japan and Korea.
On March 6th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the overview of the “12th Japan-Korea High-Level Transport Dialogue” held in Seoul, South Korea on February 20th. The dialogue covered discussions on transportation services in local regions, policies related to autonomous driving, directions for logistics policies, and promotion of environmentally friendly transportation, among […]
Title: Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal Increases Usage of Recycled Plastic Sheets from 30% to 50% in All Export Cargo Loading Operations starting March for their aviation cargo terminal in Hong Kong, announced on March 6.
On March 6th, Cathay’s air cargo terminal, “Cathay Cargo Terminal,” in Hong Kong announced the implementation of recycled materials in their air cargo loading operations. They have increased the proportion of recycled materials in their plastic sheets used for loading export cargo from the previous 30% to 50%, starting from March.
Title: Hacobu Announces Introduction of “Where Are You?” Feature to “MOVO Driver” App, Facilitating Truck Drivers in Supporting Each Other’s Work, Ways of Working, and Connections, on March 6.
On March 6th, Hacobu announced the implementation of a new feature in their smartphone app “MOVO Driver” designed to support truck drivers in their work, lifestyle, and connections. The feature, called “Where are you?” allows drivers to share their locations with each other through the app.
Title: NX Global Innovation Investment Business Limited Partnership, a Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) fund under NIPPON EXPRESS Holdings, announces investment in the startup specializing in 3D printed prosthetics business in countries such as the Philippines and India, revealed on March 6.
On March 6th, NIPPON EXPRESS Holdings announced their investment in a startup in the 3D printed prosthetic limb business as part of the NX Global Innovation Investment Business Limited Liability Investment Partnership, which is a Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) fund. The startup focuses on providing 3D printed prosthetic limbs in countries such as the Philippines […]