Title: DHL Supply Chain, a part of DHL Group, announced on March 6 that a joint signing ceremony was held to mark the launch of a project aimed at achieving carbon-neutral operations at the “Sagamihara Logistics Center.” The project includes initiatives such as agricultural solar power generation.
On the 6th, DHL Supply Chain, a part of DHL Group, announced that they held a joint signing ceremony to commemorate the launch of a project aimed at achieving carbon-neutral operations at the Sagamihara Logistics Center. The project involves initiatives such as agricultural solar power generation.
Title: Chubu Transport Bureau Announces Revocation of Freight Trucking License for Nakao Transportation (Higashiura-cho, Aichi Prefecture) on the Same Day due to the company’s prolonged period of inactivity combined with an untraceable business address, reported on March 6.
On the 6th, the Chubu Transport Bureau announced the revocation of the cargo truck transportation business permit of Nakao Transport based in Higashiura-cho, Aichi Prefecture. The permit was canceled on the same day due to the confirmation that the company’s whereabouts were unknown and they had not been conducting business for a considerable period.
Title: LOGISTICS TODAY Hosts “Preparation Conference for ‘Logistics 2024 Issue’ ” from March 13 to 15, as an expanded sequel to the “Logistics 2024 Issue Countermeasures Conference” held over two days at the end of last year, aimed at addressing challenges on the cusp of 2024.
Following up on the “Logistics 2024 Issue Countermeasures Conference” held for two days at the end of last year, LOGISTICS TODAY will host an expanded event titled “Preparatory Measures for the ‘Logistics 2024 Issue’ Conference” from March 13 (Wednesday) to March 15 (Friday) spanning three days.
Title: LOGISTICS TODAY expands capacity from 100 to 200 attendees for the online event “Dispelling the Illusion of Accident Prevention – Essential Choices for Transport Companies in 2 Years” scheduled for March 7 due to high registration numbers. An event focused on indispensable strategies that logistics operators cannot ignore.
Due to a high number of registration requests, LOGISTICS TODAY has decided to expand the capacity of the online event “Let’s Discard the Illusion of Accident Prevention – Essential Options for Transport Companies in 2 Years” scheduled for tomorrow, March 7th, from 100 to 200 participants. This event will address crucial choices that logistics operators […]
Title: Panasonic Group Introduces Large-capacity “VIXELL Pallet” (VIXELL Palette), an expansion of the vacuum insulated refrigeration box “VIXELL,” tailored for the transportation of pharmaceuticals and clinical trial drugs which require stringent temperature control, announced on March 6.
On the 6th, Panasonic Group announced that Panasonic has developed a high-capacity version of the vacuum insulation refrigerated box “VIXELL” for the transportation of pharmaceuticals and investigational drugs that require strict temperature control. This new product is called “VIXELL Pallet.”
Title: Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus Announces Record-Breaking Profits in 2023, with Daimler Trucks, its leading shareholder, achieving the highest earnings in their financial results. Global sales numbers for trucks and buses at Mitsubishi Fuso reached 526,053 units in 2023, compared to 522,291 units in 2022.
Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus announced that their largest shareholder, Daimler Truck, achieved record-high profits in their financial year of 2023. Global sales of trucks and buses at Mitsubishi Fuso reached 526,053 units (compared to 522,291 units in the previous year).
Title: Global Logistics Company Kuehne+Nagel (K+N, Switzerland) Acquires City Zone Express (Malaysia), a Subsidiary of Chasen Holdings, a company listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange, as announced.
Global logistics company Kuehne+Nagel (K+N) based in Switzerland has acquired City-Link Express (Malaysia), a subsidiary of Chasen Holdings, listed on the main board of the Singapore Exchange.
Title: Suzuyo (Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City) Wins GOLD Award in “ONE CAREER Job Hunting Review Awards 2024” in the Tokai Region Ranking announced on March 5. In the Tokai rankings, Suzuyo ranked among top companies like Toyota Boshoku at 1st place and others.
On the 5th, Suzuyo, located in Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City, announced that they have been awarded the GOLD prize in the “ONE CAREER Job Hunting Review Awards 2024” East Asia Ranking by One Career, an employment site. In the East Asia Ranking, Suzuyo ranked alongside top companies like Toyota Boshoku in 1st place and others.
Title: SATO, a provider of automatic identification solutions, announces the launch of the “Mobile All-In-One Tool” application for label printer configuration management. This application is available for free on “Google Play” and “App Store.”
SATO, a company specializing in automatic identification solutions, announced the launch of their label printer configuration management application called “Mobile All-In-One Tool.” The application is available for free download on both Google Play and the App Store.
Title: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to Launch “STOP! Heatstroke Cool Work Campaign” from May to September in Collaboration with Labor Accident Prevention Organizations to Ensure Comprehensive Prevention Measures for Heatstroke in the Workplace.
In order to thoroughly implement measures to prevent heatstroke in the workplace, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is collaborating with labor accident prevention organizations to conduct the “STOP! Heatstroke Cool Work Campaign” from May to September. The Ministry, in collaboration with labor accident prevention organizations, is focusing on raising awareness and implementing heatstroke […]