Title: JR East Japan Group Announces Participation in “Tohoku Product Exhibition” (March 8-13) at Matsuzakaya Ueno Store in Taito-ku, Tokyo, utilizing their train parcel delivery service “Hako Byun” for fresh regional specialties like local confectioneries and fresh fruits from various regions of Tohoku on a daily rotation.

On the 4th, JR East Group announced that they would be participating in the “Tohoku Product Fair” held at the Matsuzakaya Ueno store in Taito-ku, Tokyo from the 8th to the 13th, utilizing their train parcel transportation service “Hako Byun”. Each day, freshly made regional specialties and high-quality fruits from various regions in Tohoku will […]

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Title: Daiwa House Group Announces Signing of “Disaster Collaboration and Support Agreement” with Subsidiaries and the Daiwa House Industry Group on March 5. Leveraging approximately 1.89 million units of rental housing and infrastructure managed domestically, the agreement aims to strengthen collaboration and support during both peacetime and emergencies.

On the 5th, Daiwa House announced that they have entered into a “Collaboration and Support Agreement for Disasters” with a group company within the Daiwa House Group and a company within the Dai-ichi Koutsu Group that manages rental housing. Leveraging approximately 1.89 million rental housing units and infrastructure managed by the two group companies in […]

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Title: JP Logistics, a subsidiary of Japan Post Group located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, announces the integration of its “Higashi Hiroshima Logistics Center” into the “Hiroshima Branch” (in Hatsukaichi City) on March 4. The new address for the integrated facility is 1-12-8 Kushido, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima Prefecture.

On the 4th, JP Logistics, a part of Japan Post Group located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, announced the integration of their “Higashi-Hiroshima Logistics Center” into the “Hiroshima Branch” in Hatsukaichi City. The address of the integrated JP Logistics Hiroshima Branch is 1-12-8 Kushido, Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture.

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Title: Asuene (Minato-ku, Tokyo) Implements “Asuene Construction” to Support Calculation of CO2 Emissions in the Construction Industry on their CO2 Emissions Visualization Cloud Service “Asuene,” as announced.

Asuene, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced the implementation of “Asuene Construction” within their cloud service platform for visualizing CO2 emissions. This new feature is designed to support the construction industry in calculating CO2 emissions.

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Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces Call for Applicants (Implementing Organizations) for Subsidies under the “Promotion Project for Decarbonization of Logistics,” with a focus on utilizing renewable energy like solar power for logistics facilities such as warehouses and truck terminals to promote facility and transport decarbonization.

On the 5th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that they will be soliciting organizations to carry out the “Promotion Project for Decarbonization of Logistics” and distribute subsidies. The project aims to utilize renewable energy such as solar power to implement facility and transportation-related measures at logistics facilities such as warehouses and […]

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Title: Daimler Trucks (Germany) Announces 7,000 Euro (Approximately 1.13 million yen) Bonus for its Employees, to be provided to around 25,000 employees in Germany alongside their April salary. The company’s financial year 2023 results evidently reflected these employee incentives.

Daimler Truck (Germany) announced that they will be providing a bonus of 7,000 euros (approximately 1.13 million yen) to their employees. This bonus will be applied to around 25,000 employees in Germany and will be disbursed along with their salaries in April this year. This decision follows the successful financial performance of the company in […]

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Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces Call for Applications for Subsidies under the “Emergency Measures to Reduce Re-Delivery Rates” project on March 5. The application period runs until March 15. This initiative aims to facilitate consumer choices and confirm receipt methods and timings to alleviate logistics burden through effective logistics solutions.

On the 5th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that they will be soliciting businesses for the “Emergency Subsidy Program to Reduce Redelivery Rates.” The application period for the subsidy program is until March 15th. The program aims to build systems that allow consumers to choose and confirm delivery methods and times […]

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Title: NEXCO West Japan Announces Event at Ishizuchiyama Service Area (SA) in Nishijo City, Ehime Prefecture, on April 6 ahead of the 20th Anniversary of Full Opening of Matsuyama Expressway on April 17, as unveiled on March 5.

On the 5th, NEXCO West Japan announced plans to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the full opening of the Matsuyama Expressway on April 17th. Prior to this milestone, an event will be held on April 6th at the Ishizuchiyama Service Area (SA) on the down line in Nishijo City, Ehime Prefecture. The event will include […]

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Title: Raputa Robotics (Koto-ku, Tokyo) to Exhibit at “MODEX 2024” in Atlanta, Georgia, USA from March 11 to 14, as announced on March 6. The company specializes in cloud robotics for the supply chain, manufacturing, and distribution industries.

On the 6th, Laputa Robotics, based in Koto-ku, Tokyo, announced their participation in “MODEX 2024,” to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA from the 11th to the 14th. The company specializes in cloud robotics solutions for the supply chain, manufacturing, and distribution industries.

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Title: JR Freight’s Tokai Branch Announces Operation of Wrapped Locomotive to Promote Revitalization of Local Communities – Unveils DF200 Series Electric Locomotive Wrapped in the Colors of Volleyball Team “Wolf Dogs Nagoya” on March 4.

On March 4th, JR Freight’s Tokai Division announced the operation of a wrapped locomotive to promote the revitalization of local communities along the railway lines. The locomotive, a DF200 electric locomotive, has been wrapped with the design of the volleyball team “Wolf Dogs Nagoya” to support and promote the team through this unique initiative.

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