Title: Laputa Robotics Delivers Automated Forklift “Laputa AFL” to TOTO’s Kokura Logistics Center on March 5 – Enhancing Logistics Operations at TOTO with Automated Forklift Solutions.
On March 5th, Laputa Robotics announced the delivery of their automated forklift, “Laputa AFL,” to TOTO’s Kokura Logistics Center. At TOTO, the introduction of automated forklifts like the “Laputa AFL” aims to enhance operational efficiency and productivity in their logistics operations. The implementation of advanced automation technology reflects TOTO’s commitment to innovation in their logistics […]
Title: NX Holdings Acquires Shares of GrooveNotes, a Startup Specializing in AI and Quantum Technology, as Part of NX Global Innovation Investment Project – Enters Capital and Business Alliance Agreement on March 5.
On March 5th, NX Holdings acquired shares in GrooveNotes, a startup with expertise in utilizing AI and quantum technology, as part of the NX Global Innovation Investment Business. A capital and business alliance agreement was signed between the two companies. This strategic move underscores NX Holdings’ commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies for innovation and growth […]
Title: Laputa Robotics Delivers “Laputa AFL” Automatic Forklift to TOTO’s Ogura Logistics Center in Tokyo’s Koto Ward, Announced on March 5.
On the 5th, Laputa Robotics, based in Koto-ku, Tokyo, announced the delivery of their automated forklift, “Laputa AFL,” to TOTO’s Kokura Logistics Center. TOTO aims to address challenges related to labor shortages in logistics operations and reduce environmental impact by incorporating innovative warehouse automation solutions like Laputa AFL.
Title: Nippon Express Holdings (NXHD) Acquires Stake in Startup Company Groove Notes (Chuo-ku, Fukuoka) Specializing in AI and Quantum Technology Utilization as part of NX Global Innovation Investment Business Limited Partnership’s projects announced on March 5.
On the 5th, NIPPON EXPRESS Holdings (NXHD) announced that as part of an initiative by NX Global Innovation Investment Business Limited Liability Investment Partnership, they have acquired shares of Groove Notes, a startup based in Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, known for its expertise in utilizing AI and quantum technology.
Title: Soai Research Logistics to Host Free Online Seminar on Accident Reduction Using Dashcams for Logistics Company Executives titled “Accident Reduction Seminar in the Age of Labor Shortage” on March 21.
On March 21st, Funai Soken Logistics will be hosting a free online seminar titled “Accident Reduction in the Age of Labor Shortage” targeting logistics company managers. The seminar will focus on accident reduction using dash cameras and provide insights on utilizing AI-driven recorders, accident prevention strategies, and best practices to enhance safety protocols within the […]
Title: Mitsui Fudosan Invests in Two Real Estate Projects of U.S. Real Estate Investment Firm Tishman Speyer through its U.S. Subsidiary Mitsui Fudosan America on March 4.
On the 4th, Mitsui Fudosan announced that through its U.S. subsidiary, Mitsui Fudosan America, it has made investments in two real estate ventures of the U.S.-based real estate investment firm Tishman Speyer (TS). This investment by the company group includes participation in U.S. logistics facilities.
Title: Nippon Yusen Signs Utilization Contract with STAX Engineering Pty Ltd., a U.S. Marine Exhaust Gas Treatment Company, for Recovery and Treatment of Exhaust Gas from Ships – Announcement Made on March 5.
On March 5th, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) announced that they have signed a utilization contract with STAX Engineering Pty Ltd., a U.S.-based exhaust gas treatment company for ships, to collect and treat exhaust gas from vessels. This collaboration aims to enhance environmental sustainability and efficiency in managing exhaust gas emissions from ships, further demonstrating […]
Title: Sekiden Real Estate Development (Kita-ku, Osaka) Announces Completion of Logistics Facility “KRD-Logistics Fukuoka Ogori” in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture, located 30km South of Fukuoka City with access to 2 highways and 2 railway lines, as revealed on February 29.
On February 29th, Sekiden Real Estate Development, based in Kita-ku, Osaka, announced the completion of the logistics facility “KRD-Logistics Fukuoka Ogōri” in Ogōri City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Ogōri City, located 30km south of Fukuoka City, is served by two expressways and two railway lines within the city, making it an ideal location for logistics operations.
Title: “CRE to Host Open House and Material Handling Equipment Exhibition by Jarock at “Logi Square Fujimino A Building,” the Largest Logistics Facility in the Area, Completed in Fujimiya City, Saitama Prefecture on March 13, 14, and 15.
On March 13th, 14th, and 15th, CRL will be hosting an open house and material handling equipment exhibition by Jarock at the largest logistics facility in the area, “Logi Square Fujimino Building A” completed in Fujimi-no City, Saitama Prefecture. The facility features a double-rampway design, automated material handling equipment, and advanced logistics capabilities to support […]
Title: WingArc1st (Tokyo, Minato-ku) to Launch New “Driver App” Feature for Online Dispatch Service Platform “IKZO Online” on March 27, announced on March 4.
On the 4th, WingArc1st, a software development company based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, announced the launch of a new feature “Driver App” for their online freight booking platform “IKZO Online,” which will be available starting on the 27th. This new function aims to digitalize transactions related to corporate logistics and streamline the process of online freight […]