Title: FedEx Announces Establishment of Hub at Al Maktoum International Airport near Dubai in the United Arab Emirates with an Investment of $350 Million.
FedEx announced that it will invest $350 million (approximately 52.676 billion yen) to establish its hub at Al Maktoum Airport, one of the world’s largest international airports located near Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The new hub will serve as the central facility for FedEx operations in the region, supporting the company’s logistics and […]
Title: Nippon Yusen Kaisha Announces Contract with U.S. Marine Exhaust Gas Treatment Company STAX Engineering for Utilization of Technology to Recover and Treat Exhaust Gas from Ships on March 5.
On the 5th, Japan Post announced that they have signed a utilization contract with STAX Engineering, a U.S.-based exhaust gas treatment company for ships, for the collection and treatment of exhaust gas from vessels. This technology will be utilized in California, among other locations, to enhance environmental sustainability and reduce emissions from ship exhaust gases.
Title: Starmen, Developer of Information Sharing Tool “TUNAG,” Announces Introduction of TUNAG to Aono Kaiun Group on March 5.
On the 5th, Stamen, the developer of the information-sharing tool “TUNAG,” based in Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, announced that TUNAG has been implemented within the Aono Kaiun Group. The Aono Kaiun Group is engaged in a wide range of businesses, with maritime transportation as its main focus, along with land transportation and control system manufacturing. This partnership […]
Title: French Shipping Giant CMA CGM Signs Contract with Sportswear Brand Nike to Purchase Sustainable Biofuels for Maritime Transport in Effort to Reduce Carbon Emissions – Announcement Made on March 4.
On the 4th, the French shipping giant CMA CGM announced that they have signed a contract with sports brand Nike to purchase sustainable biofuels for a portion of their maritime transport with the aim of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in maritime shipping. Nike is set to begin using sustainable biofuels purchased through this agreement starting […]
Title: A.P. Moller-Maersk Partners with Bandai Namco to Establish Fulfillment Center with Distribution Capabilities in Mexico City – Announcement on March 4.
On the 4th, the Danish shipping giant, AP Moller-Maersk, announced a partnership with major toy manufacturer Bandai Namco in Mexico to establish a distribution center in Mexico City with fulfillment capabilities. The facility, located in the northern part of the city, is aimed at serving customers across Mexico with efficient distribution services.
Title: Renatus Robotics Appoints Former Mitutoyo Corporation Executive Officer, Shuji Dozai, as Technical Advisor on March 5 for Development of Automated Warehouse System Combining High-Speed Shuttle and Proprietary Algorithm.
RENATUS ROBOTICS, based in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, announced on the 5th that Shuji Dazai, former executive officer of SANMIKI KOGYO, has joined the company as a technical advisor. RENATUS ROBOTICS specializes in developing automated warehouse systems that combine high-speed shuttles with proprietary algorithms. With the appointment of Shuji Dazai as their technical advisor, the company aims […]
Title: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Signs Long-Term Time Charter Contract for New LNG Carrier with Tokyo LNG Tanker, a 100% Subsidiary of Tokyo Gas, on March 5.
On the 5th, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) announced that they have entered into a long-term time charter contract for a newly-built LNG vessel with Tokyo LNG Tanker, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tokyo Gas based in Minato-ku, Tokyo. Prior to this agreement, MOL has already engaged in long-term time charter contracts for seven LNG vessels with […]
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Initiates Call for Applications for Subsidies under “DX Promotion Demonstration Project Subsidies for Logistic Facilities” to Support System Development, Automation, and Digitalization in Logistic Facilities.
On the 4th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the start of soliciting applications from private companies and others to carry out subsidy-related administrative tasks for the “Subsidy Program for Demonstration Projects Promoting DX in Logistics Facilities.” This program aims to support the development of systems and the introduction of automation equipment […]
Title: Sanwa Warehouse Announces Executive and Senior Officer Personnel Changes Effective April 1st or Late June – Appointment of New Director Candidate Toshiyuki Kato as Director, Planning and Promotion Headquarters Chief and Branch Responsibilities, among Others.
Recently, Sanwa Warehouse announced personnel changes for executives and senior employees scheduled to take effect on either April 1st or in late June. The details are as follows: Newly appointed Director Candidate: – Toshiyuki Kato: – New Position: Director, Head of Planning and Promotion Headquarters, concurrently in charge of business locations – Current Position: Deputy […]
Title: Japan Packer, Transport, and Warehouse Announces Executive Officer Personnel Changes Effective March 31 – New Executive Officer Appointments Revealed.
On the 1st, Nippon Konpo Unyu Sohko announced the appointment of new executive officers effective March 31st. Here are the details of the appointments: Newly-appointed Executive Officer (effective April 1, 2024): – Eiji Giga: Newly appointed Executive Officer (Current: General Manager, Kanto Business Division, East Japan Headquarters) – Keita Inagaki: Newly appointed Executive Officer (Note: […]