Title: Future Architect (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo) Introduces “Future LOGI” with Cloud-Based Warehouse Control System (WCS) Functionality and Reading Solution “Future EdgeAI” Incorporating OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Technology on March 4.
On the 4th, Future Architect, located in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, unveiled “Future LOGI,” a cloud-based Warehouse Control System (WCS) with features such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology for efficient management of warehouse operations. Additionally, they announced the introduction of “Future EdgeAI,” a reading solution incorporating OCR technology for enhanced data processing and automation capabilities.
Title: Daiwa House Industry Hosts Media Roundtable on March 4, Featuring CEO Keiichi Yoshii’s Speech on Human Capital Management – Followed by Networking Session with Executive Officers and Directors. Discussions Include Appointment of Head of Construction Division Handling Logistics Facilities.
On the 4th, Daiwa House Industry held a media briefing session. The event commenced with a speech by CEO Keiichi Yosii on human capital management, followed by a toast and discussion involving various executives and officers. During the discussion, the head of the Construction Division responsible for logistics facilities was engaged in conversations surrounding their […]
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces 9th Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Logistics between Japan, China, and South Korea Held in Tianjin, China on February 29th – Cooperation Progress and Further Advancements Discussed during the In-Person Meeting, Attended by Jun Uehara, Senior Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism from Japan, Marking the First Face-to-Face Meeting in 6 Years.
On March 1st, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that the 9th Japan-China-Korea Trilateral Logistics Ministerial Meeting was held in Tianjin, China on February 29th. This in-person meeting, the first in six years, was attended by Jun Uehara, Counselor for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism from Japan. The meeting saw agreements on […]
Title: Deal Agent Announces Promotion of Executive Officer Yoshito Nakatsuji to President effective April 1, with Founder Kazuto Katani Assuming the Role of Chairman on the Same Date. The company is set to contribute to the growth of mid-sized and small enterprises by 2023…
On March 4th, Deal Agent announced the promotion of Director Yoshito Nakatsuji to President, effective April 1st. Founder and current President, Itta Kajinishi, will assume the position of Chairman on the same date. The company is focusing on supporting the growth of mid-sized and small businesses in 2023.
Title: Japan Post Group Launches Delivery Operations using Newly Developed Logistics-Specific Drone (JP2) by Japan Post Starting from March 4 – Utilizing Aircraft with Increased Payload Capacity compared to Previous Models to Enhance Delivery Services to Remote Areas.
On the 4th, Japan Post Group announced that Japan Post has begun using a newly developed logistics-specific drone, JP2, for deliveries from post offices to delivery destinations. The upgraded drone allows for an increased payload capacity compared to previous models, enabling efficient deliveries to remote and mountainous areas.
Title: Hankyu Hanshin Real Estate Completes Multi-Tenant Logistics Facilities “Logista Osaka Matsubara” and “Logista Toyonaka” in Matsubara City and Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture – Incorporating Environmentally-Friendly Features such as LED Lighting, Motion Sensor Lights, and Water-Saving Fixtures.
Hankyu Hanshin Real Estate announced the completion of the multi-tenant logistics facilities, “Logista Osaka Matsubara” and “Logista Toyonaka,” in Matsubara City and Toyonaka City in Osaka Prefecture. Both facilities are designed with considerations for the environment and energy efficiency, featuring energy-saving LED lighting, motion sensor lights, water-saving fixtures, and other sustainable features to minimize environmental […]
Title: CRE to Host Open House Event at Logistics Facility “DLX Kazo” in Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture on March 21-22 – Offering New Building with Immediate Occupancy, Spanning Approximately 8,767.60m2 for Sole Use.
C.R.E will be hosting an open house event at the logistics facility “DLX Kazo” in Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture on March 21st and 22nd for two days. “DLX Kazo” is a newly constructed property available for immediate occupancy, with a total floor area of approximately 8,767.60 square meters (about 2,656 tsubo) for single-tenant use. The […]
Title: Suzuyo Group Announces Production of Supportive Commercials featuring Approximately 70 Employees, Airing at Shimizu S-Pulse’s Home Opening Game on March 2, with Projection at the Stadium and Publication on YouTube.
On March 4th, the Suzuyo Group announced the production of a support commercial featuring approximately 70 employees to cheer on Shimizu S-Pulse. The commercial started airing on the stadium screens during the home opening match on March 2nd and was also made available on YouTube. The commercial showcases various scenes of support and collaboration among […]
Title: Administrative Sanctions Imposed on 10 Freight Trucking Companies in January, Including Vehicle Suspension for 8 Companies, as Reported by the Kanto Transport Bureau – Violation of Transportation Safety Regulations at Nisshin Transport (Mitaka City, Tokyo) and K-Logistics (Bando City, Ibaraki) Headquarters Offices.
According to the administrative penalties issued by the Kanto Transport Bureau recently, a total of 10 freight truck transportation companies, including 8 companies with vehicle suspensions, were penalized in January. Among them, Nisshin Unyu in Mitaka City, Tokyo, and K-Logitech in Bando City, Ibaraki Prefecture, were penalized for safety violations related to transport operations at […]
Title: Tokyo Tatemono, based in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, Receives Encouragement Award in the Project Category at NIKKEI Decarbonization Awards 2023 – Recognition for Efforts towards Decarbonization in Urban Areas.
On the 4th, Tokyo Tatemono, based in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, announced that they have been awarded the Encouragement Award in the Project Category at the “NIKKEI Decarbonization Awards 2023,” organized by Nikkei Inc. Their efforts towards decarbonization in urban areas were recognized by the award, highlighting their commitment to finding solutions for reducing carbon emissions in […]