Title: Shibaura Warehouse Announces Establishment of New “Risk Management Department” with Appointment of Executive Officer Hideki Monzawa as Head – Integration of Risk Management and Compliance Promotion Functions Previously Dispersed across Departments for Company-wide Efficiency.

Recently, Shibaura Warehouse announced the establishment of a new “Risk Management Department” effective April 1st as part of its organizational reform. Mr. Hideki Kadokura, an executive officer, will assume the role of head of the Risk Management Department. The new department aims to consolidate risk management and compliance promotion functions, which were previously dispersed across […]

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Title: Okazaki Tsuun Unveils PR Design Truck for Daily Round Trip Operations from Okazaki City to Tokyo on New Tomei and Tomei Expressways – Company Responds to Post-Completion Tourism Demand related to the conclusion of the TV Drama “What Will Ishida Do”.

On February 28th, Okazaki Tsuun (based in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture) unveiled a promotional design truck. The truck departs from Okazaki City, travels on the Shin-Tomei and Tomei Expressways, and mainly operates round trips to Tokyo on a daily basis. The company aims to leverage the tourism demand following the conclusion of the NHK Taiga Drama […]

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Title: Claudio Unveils “GHG Visualizer LCA Option” in its Suite of Digital Solutions – Enhancing Greenhouse Gas Emission Visualization Tool “GHG Visualizer” in Tokyo’s Chuo Ward.

Tokyo-based Claudio, which offers digital solutions services, has introduced a new feature called “GHG Visualizer LCA Option” to their greenhouse gas emissions visualization tool “GHG Visualizer.” This new feature provides insights into life cycle assessments related to greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing the capabilities of the tool for environmental impact analysis.

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Title: Moji Customs Announces Revocation of Permit for Kyushu Nisshin’s Bonded Warehouse “Kyushu Nisshin Nanotsu 2-chome” in Fukuoka City due to Closure – Further Details and Updates Available upon Request.

On February 29th, the Moji Customs announced the revocation of the permission for Kyushu Nichijin’s bonded warehouse, “Kyushu Nichijin Nanotsu 2-chome” in Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, due to its closure. If you would like more detailed information or further updates, please click the “Learn More” button below.

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Title: Deal Agent Announces Promotion of Kenji Nakatsuji to President, Succeeding Founder Kazutaka Kajinami as Chairman – Effective April 1 – Leading Provider in Logistics Real Estate Intermediary Services Based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

On the 4th, Deal Agent, a company based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, specializing in logistics real estate intermediation, announced that Director Yoshito Nakatsuchi will be promoted to President effective April 1st. The founder and current President, Kenta Kawanishi, will assume the position of Chairman on the same date. Nakatsuchi, who has experience working with a major […]

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Title: Mitsui Warehouse Holdings Announces Personnel Changes within Group Companies Effective April 1 – Including the Appointment of Tatsuya Tsuruyama as Executive Officer, in Charge of China and Asia at Mitsui Warehouse Express and Concurrently as General Manager of MSE CHINA (GUANGZHOU), among Others.

Mitsui-Soko Holdings recently announced personnel changes within their group companies, effective April 1st. The changes include the following for Mitsui-Soko Express: – Tatsuya Tsuruyama: Newly appointed Executive Officer, in charge of China and Asia, concurrently serving as General Manager of MSE CHINA (GUANGZHOU). – Current Position: Executive Officer

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Title: Interview on Sanwa Shutter Kogyo’s Newly Released High-Speed Thermal Sheet Shutter “Insulation Quick Saver TR” Prompts Childhood Memory of Getting Scolded by Mother for Leaving the Door Open.

I apologize, but it seems like the context of your request is about a personal experience related to being scolded by your mother for leaving the door open, rather than a news article about the “High-Speed Sheet Shutter” product “Insulation Quick Saver TR” released by Sanwa Shutter Kogyo last year. If you have any specific […]

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Title: East Network Acquires 100% Stake in Subsidiary TS Transportation from Major Industrial Gas Manufacturer Nippon Air Liquide – Subsidiarization of TS Transportation, a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Nippon Air Liquide based in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, Announced on March 1.

On the 1st, the comprehensive logistics company, Tobu Network, announced the acquisition of 100% of the shares of TS Transport, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the leading industrial gas manufacturer, Japan Air Liquide, based in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, thereby making it a subsidiary. TS Transport specializes in the transportation of industrial gases and related services, […]

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Title: Starzen Announces Transfer of Fixed Assets of Starzen Logistics in Minato Ward, Tokyo, as Part of Medium-Term Management Plan, Resulting in Recording of Special Profit of 7.5 Billion Yen on February 29. This transaction will lead to the establishment of two new efficient logistics and sales bases in the East and West, focusing on cold storage and refrigeration…

On February 29th, as part of its medium-term management plan, Starzen announced the transfer of fixed assets of Starzen Logistics, located in Minato Ward, Tokyo, resulting in a special profit of 7.5 billion yen. This transaction will lead to the establishment of two new efficient logistics and sales bases in the east and west regions, […]

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Title: Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry Encourages Price Negotiations in March as “Price Negotiation Promotion Month” to Address the Transition from Deflation – Emphasizing the Importance of Ensuring Wage Increase Funds and Intensifying Negotiations for Price Pass-through for Supply Chains.

On the 1st, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) reiterated that March is designated as “Price Negotiation Promotion Month” and emphasized the importance of transitioning towards full recovery from deflation. It positioned this as a critical juncture and encouraged companies to intensify negotiations for ensuring wage increase funds through price transfers. Additionally, METI […]

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