Title: Japan Post Group Announces Establishment of “Japan Post Group Regional Representatives” Worldwide – Setting up Regional Representatives in Europe (London), Americas (Secaucus), China (Shanghai), South Asia (Singapore), and Middle East (Dubai) effective April 1.
On the 1st, the NYK Group announced the establishment of “NYK Group Regional Representatives” in various regions around the world. Effective April 1st, regional representatives will be located in London for the European region, Secaucus for the Americas region, Shanghai for China, Singapore for South Asia, and Dubai for the Middle East. This strategic move […]
Title: Drone Operator NEXT DELIVERY in Kosuge Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, to Sign Contract with Logistics Company in Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture, to Provide Innovative Smart Logistics Service by Combining Traditional Truck Delivery with Drone Delivery.
On the 1st, the drone operator NEXT DELIVERY in Kosuge Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, announced a contract with a logistics company, Nakatsu, in Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture, to provide a new smart logistics service that combines traditional truck delivery and drone delivery services that the company has been promoting.
Title: SG Holdings Announces Delisting of Sri Lankan Logistics Company Expolanka Holdings by Subsidiary SG Holdings Global (SGG) Holding 82.4% of Common Stock – A Move Decided on March 1.
On the 1st, SG Holdings announced that its subsidiary SG Holdings Global (SGG) based in Singapore has decided to delist Expolanka Holdings, a logistics company in Sri Lanka, in which it holds 82.4% of the common stock. This decision is part of the group’s strategic reorganization efforts.
Title: Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks Delivers World’s First All-Electric Refueling Truck to Service Provider at Stuttgart Airport – Handover of Vehicle from Daimler Truck’s Electric Truck Series, eEconic, Marks a Milestone in Sustainable Transportation.
On the 1st, Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks announced that they have delivered the world’s first all-electric refueling truck to a service provider at Stuttgart Airport in Germany. The vehicle is part of Daimler Truck’s electric truck series, the eEconic, designed for sustainable and environmentally friendly refueling services.
Title: Nippon Express Holdings Announces Participation of Group Companies NX Germany and NX Middle East at “Arab Health 2024” in Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Event Held from January 29 to February 1 for Healthcare Innovation and Solutions.
On the 4th, Nippon Express Holdings announced that its group companies NX Germany and NX Middle East participated in “Arab Health 2024,” an event held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from January 29th to February 1st. This event was focused on showcasing the latest developments in the healthcare industry.
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Extends Management Agreement for Part of Ishikawa Prefecture’s Port Facilities in Response to Extensive Damage from the Noto Peninsula Earthquake – Following Ishikawa Prefecture’s Request, the National Government Continues to Manage a Portion of the Prefecture’s Port Facilities to Ensure Smooth Transportation of Goods in Ports throughout Ishikawa Prefecture.
On the 1st, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism announced an extension of the measures for managing certain port facilities in Ishikawa Prefecture, which were implemented in response to the extensive damage caused by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. This extension was granted in response to a request from Ishikawa Prefecture, where the national […]
Title: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Group’s 100% Subsidiary MOL Chemical Tankers (MOLCT) in Singapore Announces Acquisition of Chemical Tanker Company Fairfield…
On the 4th, MOL Chemical Tankers (MOLCT), a 100% subsidiary of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) responsible for operating chemical tankers, announced the acquisition of Fairfield Chemical Carriers, a chemical shipping company based in Singapore.
Title: Hiroshima-based WooO, Specializing in Logistics Digital Transformation for the Fisheries Industry, Launches New Service Partnerships with 5 Cargo Acceptance Companies, Including Industry Leaders, on its Fisheries Marketplace “UUUO” on February 29.
On February 29th, Uwo, based in Naka Ward, Hiroshima, which specializes in digital transformation (DX) in the seafood industry logistics, announced the commencement of a new service partnership with five cargo receiving companies, including industry leaders, on their seafood marketplace “UUUO.” This collaboration aims to enhance services and offerings within the seafood logistics sector.
Title: Yamagata Trucking Association Announces Launch of “Yamagata Prefecture Logistics Efficiency Emergency Support Program Subsidy” to Support Introduction of Equipment and Systems Contributing to Efficiency in Logistics Operations by Small and Medium-sized Logistics Operators and Consignors on March 4.
On the 4th, Yamagata Trucking Association announced the commencement of the application process for the “Yamagata Prefecture Logistics Efficiency Emergency Support Project Subsidy” aimed at supporting the introduction of equipment and systems to enhance the efficiency of logistics operations carried out by small and medium-sized logistics and cargo owner companies. The initiatives eligible for this […]
Title: Shin Nihonkai Ferry and Tokyo Kyushu Ferry Introduce Internet Booking for Freight Vehicles, Including 10-ton Trucks, 4-ton Trucks, and 1-ton Vehicles for General Users Starting March 1.
On the 4th, Shin Nihonkai Ferry based in Kita Ward, Osaka, and Tokyo Kyushu Ferry in Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City, announced the launch of internet booking for freight vehicles such as 10-ton trucks, 4-ton trucks, and 1-number vehicles for general users starting from March 1st. This initiative aims to provide convenience and ease of booking […]