Title: Suzuyo Group Launches Commercial Featuring 70 Employees to Support J2 League’s Shimizu S-Pulse – Broadcasted on Stadium Vision Screens and YouTube from the Club’s Home Opener on the 2nd, as revealed on the 4th.
On the 4th, the Suzuyo Group announced the production of a commercial featuring 70 employees to support the J2 League’s Shimizu S-Pulse. The commercial started airing on the stadium screens during the opening match at the S-Pulse home stadium on the 2nd and was also made available for public viewing on YouTube. The participation of […]
Title: Daiwa House Industry Discusses Strategies for Addressing the 2024 Problem and Accelerating Efforts in Logistics Facilities and Digital Transformation at Industry Trends Study Session – COO Yu Sakata from Partner Hacobu as Guest Speaker, Diving into Government-Set “Logistics Reforms…”.
On March 1st, Daiwa House Industry announced its initiatives in response to the “2024 Problem” in a presentation titled “Industry Trends Study Session (Logistics Facility Operators Edition).” The event focused on the company’s efforts and strategies concerning the 2024 Problem. Additionally, Yuta Sakata, COO of the partner company Hacobu, participated as a guest speaker, discussing […]
Title: Rengō Announces Price Increase for Cardboard and Paper Products Effective from April 1 – Citing Factors such as Sustained High Raw Material Prices and Prolonged Weak Yen Trend as Reasons for the Increase. Additionally, Impact of Rising Logistics Costs from April.
On March 1st, Lengoo announced that they will be increasing the prices of cardboard and paper products starting from the deliveries on April 1st. The main reasons cited for the price increase include the sustained high prices of raw materials and the prolonged trend of a weaker yen, creating a challenging business environment. Additionally, rising […]
Title: Showa Sangyo Announces Development of “Voluntary Action Plan” on March 1 to Enhance Logistics Efficiency and Productivity – Includes Consideration for Implementation of Reservation System and Promotion of Pallet Utilization among Consignors and Consignees as Common Aspects.
On March 1st, Showa Sangyo announced the formulation of a “Voluntary Action Plan” aimed at optimizing logistics and enhancing productivity. Common items for consignors and consignees include considering the introduction of a reservation reception system, promoting the utilization of pallets, and exploring modal shift options for long-distance transportation.
Title: Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) Announces Establishment of Group Regional Representatives in Five Regions: Europe (London), Americas (Secaucus), China (Shanghai), South Asia (Singapore), and Middle East (Dubai) on April 1 – Setting up Group Regional Representatives Worldwide.
On March 1st, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) announced the establishment of regional representatives in five regions: Europe (London), Americas (Secaucus), China (Shanghai), South Asia (Singapore), and Middle East (Dubai), effective April 1st. The company had previously established a regional representative in South Asia back in April 2022.
Title: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Announces Expansion of 4-Lane Conversions for Temporary 2-Lane Sections on Expressways – Decision on 11 Locations as per the Law Amending the Road Improvement Special Measures Act and Partial Revision of the Japan Expressway Corporation and Debt Repayment Organization Act Enacted in May Last Year to Extend Toll Collection Periods.
On March 1st, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that they will be gradually expanding the four-lane road conversion project for temporary two-lane sections on expressways. This decision was made under the amendment to the “Special Measures for Road Maintenance Act and Partial Amendment to the Act on Highways, and the Japan […]
Title: Japan GLP Announces Completion of Cold Storage Logistics Facility “GLP Rokko V” in Higashinada Ward, Kobe on March 1 – Facility Spans 11,151.49 Square Meters over 4 Stories, with Fujiwara Transport as Exclusive Tenant.
On March 1st, Japan GLP announced the completion of the cold storage and refrigerated logistics facility “GLP Rokko V” in Higashinada-ku, Kobe City. “GLP Rokko V” is a 4-story building with a total floor area of 11,151.49 square meters. Fujihara Transport will be the sole tenant occupying this facility.
Title: Kanden Real Estate Development Announces Completion of Logistics Facility “KRD-Logistics Fukuoka Ogori” in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture on February 29 – Facility Spans 25,700 Square Meters in the Biggest City of Kyushu.
On February 29th, Sekiden Real Estate Development announced the completion of the logistics facility “KRD-Logistics Ogori” in Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Ogori City is strategically located near Fukuoka, the largest city in Kyushu, making it an ideal location for logistics operations. The facility spans 25,700 square meters and is now ready for operation.
Title: Yamakyu Announces Introduction of Scholarship Support System Starting from April 2024 to Create a Workplace Environment Where Employees Can Work Safely – Providing Support of Up to 1.8 Million Yen Over a Maximum of 10 Years for Employees Repaying Scholarships.
On March 1st, Yamakyu announced the introduction of a scholarship support system starting in April 2024 with the aim of creating a work environment where employees can work with peace of mind. This system will provide support to employees who are repaying student loans, with a maximum total support amount of 1.8 million yen over […]
Title: Tobu Network Announces Acquisition of All Issued Shares of T.S. Transportation, a Subsidiary of Japan Air Liquide, on March 1 – Contractually Agreed with Japan Air Liquide on March 1 to Transfer 90,000 Shares of T.S. Transportation, with Transfer Completion Scheduled for April 8.
On March 1st, Tobu Network announced the acquisition of all issued shares of T.S. Transport, a subsidiary of Japan Air Liquide, effectively acquiring the company. Japan Air Liquide had entered into an agreement to transfer 90,000 shares of T.S. Transport to Tobu Network on March 1st, with the transfer scheduled for April 8th.