Title: Japan GLP (based in Chuo Ward, Tokyo) Announces Completion of Fully-Cooled Logistics Facility “GLP Rokko V” in Higashinada Ward, Kobe – Developed by JA Mitsui Leasing Buildings (the same company), the facility was supported by Japan GLP in planning and developing facilities and specifications, with acquisition completed upon completion.
On the 1st, Japan GLP (located in Chuo Ward, Tokyo) announced the completion of the fully refrigerated logistics facility “GLP Rokko V” in Higashinada-ku, Kobe City. Developed by JA Mitsui Leasing Building, Japan GLP supported the planning and development of the facility’s equipment and specifications. Upon completion, Japan GLP acquired the facility.
Title: Suzuyo Announces Commencement of Operations at “Higashi-Ōshima Fine Wine Center (FWC 3)” in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture on March 1 for Temperature-Controlled Storage and Distribution of Wines – Becoming the Company’s Third Fine Wine Center.
On March 1st, Suzuyo announced the commencement of operations at the “Higashi-Ōgi Island Fine Wine Center (FWC 3)” in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, dedicated to the temperature-controlled storage and distribution of wine. This marks the company’s third Fine Wine Center (FWC) facility.
Title: Fukuyama Transport Announces Transition to Fully Electronic Invoicing Starting from April Invoices – Paper-based freight billing will now incur a fee of 110 yen (including tax) per document, as the company shifts towards compliance with the Electronic Bookkeeping Law and the e-Invoice System for efficient and timely…
On the 1st, Fukuyama Transport announced that starting from April, all invoices issued will be transitioned to electronic format. Consequently, a fee of 110 yen (tax included) per document will be charged for the issuance of freight invoices in physical form. This move aligns with compliance requirements such as the Electronic Bookkeeping Law and the […]
Title: Asahi Logistics (located in Omiya Ward, Saitama City) Announces Merger of Group’s Daily Staff and Asahi Fresh Logistics – Merging with Daily Staff to be Absorbed, Effective April 1. The new company will operate under the name of Asahi Fresh Logistics…
On the 1st, Asahi Logistics, based in Omiya Ward, Saitama City, announced the merger of two group companies, Daily Staff and Asahi Fresh Logistics, with Daily Staff being absorbed into the new entity. The merger is set to take effect on April 1st. The newly formed company will operate under the name of Asahi Fresh […]
Title: Aisin and Daisei Ever24 Commence Trial Operation of Joint Delivery Matching Service “TRi” Connecting Shippers with Multiple Transport Companies. This service was jointly developed to address social issues in the logistics industry such as truck driver shortages. Shippers and…
Aisin and Daisei Every24 have commenced the trial operation of the collaborative delivery matching service “TRi,” which connects shippers with multiple transport companies. This service was jointly developed to address societal challenges in the logistics industry such as a shortage of truck drivers. Shippers and transport companies can efficiently utilize this platform to optimize delivery […]
Title: NTT Communications (NTT Com) Conducts Service Verification of Food Delivery and Wrapping Advertisement using Remote-controlled Automated Delivery Robots in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo – Validation Period Until March 5. The verification includes menu offerings for food delivery service…
NTT Communications (NTT Com) in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, is conducting a service verification involving food delivery and wrapping advertisement utilizing remotely operated autonomous delivery robots. The verification period is until March 5th. The service verification includes menu, a food delivery service,…
Title: Hankyu Hanshin Real Estate Completes Construction of Multi-Tenant Logistics Facilities “Logista Matsubara” in Matsubara City, Osaka Prefecture on January 31 and “Logista Toyonaka” in Toyonaka City on February 29.
On February 29th, Hankyu Hanshin Real Estate announced the completion of the construction of the multi-tenant logistics facilities, “Logista Osaka Matsubara” and “Logista Toyonaka,” in Matsubara City and Toyonaka City in Osaka Prefecture. “Logista Osaka Matsubara” was completed on January 31st, while “Logista Toyonaka” was completed on February 29th.
Title: JAL Group Reports January Performance for Group Cargo and Mail Transport – International Cargo Increased by 0.9% to 32,394 Tons, International Mail Decreased by 34.7% to 1,154 Tons. Domestic Cargo Decreased by 6.1% to 31,378 Tons.
According to the cargo and mail transport performance data released by JAL (Japan Airlines) Group on February 29th, the international cargo volume in January was 32,394 tons, showing a 0.9% increase compared to the same month the previous year. International mail volume decreased by 34.7% to 1,154 tons. Domestic cargo volume amounted to 31,378 tons, […]
Title: Kamigumi Announces Organizational Changes Focused on New Energy-Related Logistics to Achieve a Decarbonized Society, Effective April 1 – Aligning with Increased Global Demand for New Energy and Market Growth in Wind and Biomass Power Generation, as Part of Key Strategic Initiatives.
On February 29th, Kamigumi announced that they will be implementing organizational changes effective April 1st to focus on new energy-related logistics in order to contribute to achieving a decarbonized society. With the increasing global demand for new energy sources such as wind and biomass power generation, Kamigumi will adapt to the market growth in these […]
Title: French Shipping Giant CMA CGM Completes Acquisition of Logistics Company Bollore Logistics on February 29 – Acquisition Price Amounts to 4.85 Billion Euros (Approximately 788.525 Billion Yen), marking the biggest purchase since the company’s inception in 1978.
On the 29th, French shipping giant CMA CGM announced the completion of the acquisition of the logistics company Bollore Logistics (France). The acquisition price amounted to 4.85 billion euros (approximately 788.85 billion yen), making it the largest acquisition for the company since its establishment in 1978.