Title: All Japan Trucking Association Announces Implementation of Annual Regular Inspection and Maintenance Promotion Campaign Starting on April 1, as Per the “Guidelines for Promoting Regular Inspection and Maintenance” by the Japan Automobile Service Promotion Joint Council. The Campaign Aims to Educate Vehicle Users on the Structure, Inspection, and Maintenance of Vehicles…

The All Japan Truck Association announced that the Japan Automobile Service Promotion Association Federation will be implementing a one-year campaign to promote regular inspection and maintenance starting on April 1st based on the “Guidelines for Promoting Regular Inspection and Maintenance.” This campaign aims to educate vehicle users on the structure of automobiles, the importance of […]

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Title: Torbizon and JR Kyushu Trading Successfully Conduct Drone Delivery Experiment in Yufucho, Kuma District, Kumamoto Prefecture on January 18 – Advancing Drone Usage in Depopulated and Aging Area for CO2 Emission Reduction and Labor Shortages Mitigation.

On March 1st, Turbizion announced the successful drone delivery experiment conducted in conjunction with JR Kyushu Trading in Yumae Town, Kuma District, Kumamoto Prefecture on January 18th. The use of drones in the area facing depopulation and aging population aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and address labor shortages by leveraging innovative technologies for delivery […]

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Title: Torvizon, Provider of Drone Air Route Maintenance Service “S:ROAD,” Announces Conducting Drone Delivery Experiment with JR Kyushu Shoji in Yufumae Town, Kuma District, Kumamoto Prefecture on January 18. The Experiment Involved Delivery to a Cafe in Yufumae Town…

On March 1st, Turbizon, based in Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City, announced that they conducted a drone delivery experiment in collaboration with JR Kyushu Shoji on January 18th in Yumae Town, Kuma District, Kumamoto Prefecture. During the experiment, a drone delivered goods from a cafe in Yumae Town to a specified location.

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Title: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Logistics (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) Announces Opening of New Sales Office in Northern Vietnam’s Ha Nam Province by MOL Logistics Vietnam on April 4. Ha Nam Province, located south of Hanoi, is known for industrial zones such as the Dong Van Industrial Park and several manufacturing facilities…

On the 1st, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Logistics, based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, announced that its Vietnam subsidiary, MOL Logistics, will be opening a new sales office in Ha Nam Province in northern Vietnam on the 4th. Ha Nam Province is located south of Hanoi and is home to several industrial zones, including the Dong Van industrial […]

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Title: Sagawa Express Supports and Sponsors “Tokyo Marathon 2024,” Releases Special Movie “Delivering Smiles Beyond the Challenge” to Cheer on the Event – Movie Available on Website Starting March 1.

On March 1st, Sagawa Express announced the release of a special movie titled “Bringing Smiles Beyond the Challenge” in support of and in conjunction with its sponsorship of the “Tokyo Marathon 2024.” The movie, aimed at supporting the event, was made available for viewing on the company’s website starting on the same day.

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Title: “Shoku no Madoguchi,” operated by STS Digital and the Japan Karaage Association, Conducts Survey on “Delivery and Takeout Services” Targeting 969 Men and Women aged 20 to over 60 – Releases Findings on Participants’ Usage of Delivery and Takeout Services.

STS Digital and the Japan Karaage Association’s “Shoku no Madoguchi” conducted a survey on “Delivery and Takeout Services” targeting 969 men and women between the ages of 20 and over 60. The survey asked participants about their usage of delivery and takeout services and the results were announced.

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Title: Showa Sangyo Announces Price Revision for Household and Commercial Olive Oil Products Effective from May 1 Delivery, Citing Price Adjustments Due to Drought in Main Olive Producing Regions, Primarily Spain and Mediterranean Coastal Areas – Impact of Suez Canal Route Disruption Also a Factor.

On February 29th, Showa Sangyo announced a price revision for their household and commercial olive oil products, effective for deliveries from May 1st. Due to a drought affecting the Mediterranean region, including Spain, a major olive oil producing area, olive harvests have been impacted for the past two years. Additionally, the disruption in the Suez […]

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Title: Torvizon Develops Drone Air Route Maintenance Service and Collaborates with Nishikubo Transport (Higashi-ku, Fukuoka) to Conduct Pharmaceutical Delivery Experiment Using Drones and EVs in Ukiha City, Fukuoka on February 29. The Experiment, Part of Bto…

On February 29th, Turbizon, based in Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City, announced that they conducted a medical supplies delivery experiment using drones and electric vehicles (EV) in collaboration with Nishikubo Transport, located in Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City, in Ukiha City, Fukuoka Prefecture. This initiative aimed to develop and provide drone air route maintenance services. The experiment […]

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Title: Yamaku Initiates Support Program Starting in April, Offering up to 1.8 Million Yen in Assistance Over 10 Years for Employees Repaying Scholarships – Aimed at Alleviating Financial Burden of Employees and Fostering Retention and Recruitment of Talented Individuals. Support Utilizes Japan Student Services Organization’s Proxy Repayment System, Providing…

On the 1st, Yamakyu announced that they will be introducing a support system starting in April for employees who are repaying scholarships, providing up to a maximum of 1.8 million yen over 10 years. This initiative aims to reduce the financial burden on employees and enhance the retention of talented individuals within the company. The […]

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Title: Kasumigaseki Capital (located in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo) Acquires Land for Constructing Refrigerated Automated Warehouse in Kobe City on February 29 – Details of the transaction such as partners and prices remain undisclosed. Amid the expansion of e-commerce, upcoming regulations on fluorocarbons in 2030, and the rising consumption of frozen foods…

On February 29th, Kasumigaseki Capital, located in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, announced that they have acquired a site in Kobe City for the construction of a refrigerated automated warehouse. The company has not disclosed details regarding the transaction parties or pricing. The growing expansion of e-commerce, regulations on refrigerants by 2030, and the increasing consumption of […]

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